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Showing 111 - 120 of 207 results

How We Preach

Preaching in the African Context  
Eben Kanukayi Nhiwatiwa
This book is the second of two volumes on Preaching in African Context. For both seasoned preachers and beginners, including students in seminaries, Bible colleges, and universities, this second volume explores how we preach and the practice of contextual preaching in Africa. The two volumes go hand-in-hand and Nhiwatiwa demonstrates that the principles need good practice to become contextual preaching, and our practice needs principles to ensure integrity. Read these volumes to see why preac...

The Role of Agape

Walk to Emmaus  
Susan Jackson, Cinda McCracken
As a way of infusing participants with a sense of God's unconditional (agape) love, tangible signs of agape are everywhere during a Walk to Emmaus or a Chrysalis weekend. This book explains the various forms of agape and anonymous acts of servanthood that are vital to communicating unconditional love during each 3-day event.

Why We Preach

Preaching in the African Context  
Eben Kanukayi Nhiwatiwa
This book is the first of two volumes on Preaching in the African Context. For both seasoned preachers and beginners, including students in seminaries, Bible colleges, and universities, this first volume explores why we preach and the principles of contextual preaching in Africa. Nhiwatiwa demonstrates that contextual preaching serves as the most appropriate way of communicating the gospel in Africa—it can connect with and engage the minds of people in effective ways. Read these volumes to se...

Leadership Development

Walk to Emmaus / Chrysalis  
Ideal Curtis
Want to learn how to delegate, prioritize, get organized, listen, serve humbly, and become more Christlike? The Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis can revitalize your faith and help you discover how you can lead as Christ's servant in your home, church, school, or workplace.

Music Directors and Song Leaders

The Emmaus Library Series  
Kate Dickinson, Gene Berrier
This booklet is designed for Music Directors on Emmaus and Chrysalis weekends. It explains the spiritual focus of each day of the 3-day event, gives guidance for selecting music to enhance the 15 talks and various worship services, and offers tips for song leading.

Moving In Harmony

An Updated Polity for the United Methodist Church in Africa  
Nday Bondo
In order to fully appreciate the good of the UMC polity, the people called United Methodists need to work together, moving in harmony, and using the same church processes. In this book, Rev. Bondo provides the most relevant and up-to-date information from The Book of Discipline 2008 to the African Methodist Church, so that it can join and move in harmony with the polity of The United Methodist Church worldwide.

The Time Is Now

Preparing Candidates for Baptismand Confirmation in the United Methodist Church  
Gift Machinga
With this guide on baptism and confirmation in The United Methodist Church, Rev. Dr. Gift Machinga provides an essential resource for the church in Africa. The book is intended to motivate pastors to consider the ministry of education and to guide pastors and lay members in preparing their people for baptism and confirmation.

African Pastor-Teachers

A Brief History of United Methodist Evangelism in Zimbabwe 1901 - 1921  
John Wesley Zwonunondiita Kurewa
African Christians who believe the half-truth that Christianity in Africa is the product of European and American missionary work need this book. Dr. John Kurewa explores Methodist history in Africa, focusing on the early years of United Methodism in Zimbabwe (1890s-1920s). He reveals it was Africans who led the way in propagating the gospel. Missionaries strategized, but African preachers evangelized. So-called "native helpers" took the gospel to the rural areas and planted the churches, esp...

An African Pilgrimage on Evangelism

A Historical Study of the Various Approaches to Evangelism in Africa (100-2000CE)  
John Wesley Zwonunondiita Kurewa
How easily we forget that it was Africans who brought the gospel to Africa, not foreign missionaries! Evangelism has always been central to African Christianity, ever since Egyptians and Libyans returned home from Jerusalem following the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). In this brief history of the church in Africa, Dr. John Kurewa highlights the major approaches to evangelism that the church employed over the centuries, for better and for worse. Then, in historical context, Kurewa zeroes in on tho...

Labouring Side By Side

The Local Church as the Most Significant Arena for Disciple-Making  
John Wesley Zwonunondiita Kurewa, Eben Kanukayi Nhiwatiwa
The ministry of evangelism is at its best when it occurs in and through the local church, experienced by members at the local church level. Through the local church, Christians learn to discern the voice of the Good Shepherd, and when they know the voice of the Good Shepherd, they easily run away from following the false prophets, false spiritual healers, and other strange voices. African local churches are the best arenas for converts to make their commitment to Jesus Christ and to be nurtur...