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Showing 121 - 130 of 191 results

Lay Pastoral Care Giving

Tim M. Farabaugh
A distinguished historian, academic and occasional evangelist I know was hushed by his stunned wife after he said to a friend he was visiting in the hospital, "I hope you don't die." A sentiment delivered sincerely but oh-so-awkwardly. Expressing care to someone in need—whether within the community of faith or beyond—may seem the most natural thing in the world. For some, it is; for others, it's less so. All can improve. Learn to reach out with God's love and care for others as outlined in th...

Questions God Asks Us

Trevor Hudson
Transformation comes from questions, not answers. We often look to the Bible as the book of answers. How often, though, do we consider the challenging questions God asks? Hudson notes that Jesus was asked 183 questions in the Gospels but directly only answered three. The Creator is teaching us as we teach children when they struggle with schoolwork: You learn more by doing than being fed an absolute answer. In Questions God Asks Us, we're encouraged to focus on the quest rather than a resolut...

Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century

An Inquiry Approach  
Richard H. Gentzler Jr.
The church is in the hands of its elders. While the popular perception is that the aged are needy and infirm, Gentzler affirms that the majority of older adults have plenty to give. The church needs to tap into their wisdom, energy, experience, and talents. Gentzler stresses that older adult ministries need to be by and with elders as well as for them, since participants will represent all stages of retirement and activity levels. In addition to the practical issues of programming, Gentzler t...

Fear Not

Learning from Your Cancer  
Judy Gattis Smith
Though cancer is a devastating experience, it can be a time of personal growth and self-understanding. With a wise heart gained from her own experience with cancer, Judy Gattis Smith guides cancer survivors to work through such questions as: Why me? How have my priorities changed because of my diagnosis? Where is God in what is happening? How do I find inspiration and daily strength to deal with my cancer? Fear Not is a guided personal workbook that will help you work through the big ques...

Being the Presence of Christ

A Vision for Transformation  
Daniel Vestal
"This book is food for all who are hungry for an inner transformation in their lives. Tapping into ancient spiritual practices, Daniel Vestal connects biblically based mysticism with evangelism and social justice." —Tony Campolo Professor Emeritus, Eastern University Author of more than 35 books and one of the founders of the Red Letter Christian movement Do you long to make a difference in the world? Learn how to be Christ's presence. As Christians, we can continually embody Jesus Christ...

A Year with John Wesley and Our Methodist Values

F. Douglas Powe Jr., Henry H. Knight III, Henry H. Knight, ...
Do we act, live, and breathe our faith? What do United Methodists believe? Do people notice a difference between the way United Methodists practice faith in the church and in the world? A Year with John Wesley and Our Methodist Values is an engaging and provocative study of the practices of discipleship that are of "the Methodist way." Brief scholarly reflections on Wesleyan themes are followed by short essays making recurring Wesley tenets timely and relevant to today's world. Covering on...

7 Myths of the United Methodist Church

Craig Kennet Miller
Sanctuaries that once were filled with 300 people of all ages now have only 30 in worship attendance. The youngest attending may be 60-something. The nondenominational church meeting across town in former commercial property is growing as fast as it can add folding chairs. Some of your own members may be a part of that group. Things have changed. But opportunities abound for the United Methodist Church and other mainline denominations. 7 Myths of the United Methodist Church looks at the attit...

Celebrating the Offering

Melvin Amerson, James Amerson
In a culture where it's easy to think of ourselves as self-made, we need a reminder that all blessings have been given to us by a generous God. In many congregations, the offering happens without much forethought. We may even consider it a crass interruption to the spiritual flow of worship. But it's actually an important, biblical part of the service. It gives us a chance to focus on giving thanks and giving back to the God who has so generously given to us. If you're looking to revitalize ...

Mission Trips That Matter

Embodied Faith for the Sake of the World  
Don C. Richter
You've packed your duffel bag, cut back and repacked, gotten your passport in order, winced your way through the vaccinations, researched the culture and learned critical phrases in the native language. Perhaps you've been so busy preparing to do mission that you've overlooked preparing to be mission. Sometimes, it's only after you return from a journey that you realize just how much you received compared to what you gave. Mission trips and alternative spring breaks are on the rise. Millions ...

The Children's Minister

Rita B. Hays
Your church's outreach to children and their parents are top-notch. The nursery and Sunday school classes are full and offer great faith-learning experiences. The daycare and parents-day-out services are thriving. But what if a child who's a part of your church family reveals his dog just died? Her mom and dad are divorcing? The family is moving to another city? These are pastoral (not programming) issues. Is your church prepared to be in ministry with children? To relate with children where ...