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Showing 171 - 180 of 191 results

The Christian Small-Group Leader

Thomas R. Hawkins
Grounded in scripture and the Wesleyan tradition, The Christian Small-Group Leader blends knowledge about the dynamics of small groups with our call to form disciples. Leaders of all types of small groups will find both inspiration and practical help to carry out their ministry. While supplies last.

Accountable Discipleship

Living in God's Household  
Steven W. Manskar
Accountable Discipleship: Living in God's Household is a book about pastoral leadership in the Wesleyan tradition. Pastoral leadership is the ministry of caring for the household of God. Both laity and clergy are called to this ministry. Those who read and study this book will be invited to discover their own ministry as pastoral leaders. All who follow Jesus Christ and seek to obey his teachings to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind," and "love your...

Start Here

Teaching & Learning with Adults - Participant's Guide  
Barbara Bruce
It's hard to know which is more intimidating: a roomful of wiggling pre-schoolers or know-all adults. "Adult students come with their own agendas and will connect learning to what's going on in their lives," writes Bruce. "They learn what they want to learn." Both facts present challenge and great opportunity to teachers, according to Bruce. "Adults are eager to learn and are searching for meaning, but we must break through their initial reluctance to encourage them to think, question, and ma...

Climbing the Sycamore Tree

A Study on Choice and Simplicity  
Ann Hagmann
Warning: This book could change the way you live. "Although I've experienced what it's like to get overextended, I've never been poor without options or help," writes Hagmann. "My faith tells me that being a Christian must affect who I am and how I behave with my wealth. Christ has something to say about the way I live my daily life, from how I treat others to how I spend my money." Do you make everyday economic decisions that reflect your Christian faith and values? Or are you "living large"...

The Workbook on Keeping Company with the Saints

Maxie Dunnam
From the rich well of Christian spiritual writing, best-selling author Maxie Dunnam guides readers through the lives and teachings of Willam Law, Julian of Norwich, Brother Lawrence, and Teresa of Avila. Readers will discover how Dunnam's study of these faith pioneers influenced his life at pivotal points and how their teachings can transform Christians today. While many books explore the lives and words of these classic spiritual writers, none combines the features of this helpful, easy-to-r...

Spiritual Directors

Walk to Emmaus  
Kay Gray
In this booklet, Kay Gray offers helpful advice for Emmaus spiritual directors, covering such topics as: the role of spiritual directors qualifications for selection the spiritual director's responsibilities before, during, and after the weekend

The Board of Directors

Walk to Emmaus  
Richard A. Gilmore, Richard Gilmore
Designed especially for members of the board of directors, this 40-page booklet is an insightful resource covering many aspects of the board. A former consultant with many Emmaus communities, Gilmore explains the responsibilities of board members, duties of board committees, possible committee assignments, and much more.

Coming Down from the Mountain

Returning to Your Congregation (Walk to Emmaus)  
Lawrence Martin
The mountaintop Emmaus weekend experience is temporary, while the rest of a pilgrim's life may seem like a valley. The author guides new pilgrims on how to come down from the mountain and work in the valleys of everyday congregational life.

Servants, Misfits, and Martyrs

Saints and Their Stories  
James C. Howell
"These vivid and touching accounts are not only inspirational and enlightening, but they also broaden our perspective of what characterizes a hero." —Jimmy Carter Former U.S. president, winner of 2002 Nobel Peace Prize Do you wonder how you can make a difference? Worry whether you have the courage to dare the impossible? Take heart! Everyone has wrestled with thoughts of inadequacy and fallibility at some point in their lives-even spiritual "giants." Servants, Misfits, and Martyrs gives y...

Yours Are the Hands of Christ

The Practice of Faith  
James C. Howell
Take spirituality into the real world. Jesus didn't "become flesh" so we could feel different. He came to this world so we will be different. Often our spirituality seems invisible and mute to a hurting world. Many of us simply internalize faith out of fear, feelings of inadequacy, or choice. A faithful response to discipleship's call, however, is both inward and outward. Through Howell's study, you'll find ways to apply faith to your daily life and make evident your commitment to Christ. By ...