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Showing 181 - 190 of 191 results

La vida de devoción en la tradición wesleyana

Un libro de ejercicios  
Steve Harper, Mary Lou Santillan-Baert
Este libro describe los aspectos más importantes en la vida de devoción de Juan Wesley y cómo estos principios pueden ser aplicados a nuestras vidas. El libro está diseñado para tener un estudio semanal por siete semanas y sigue una estructura alrededor de lo que Wesley llama «medios de gracia». Por lo tanto, incluye estudios sobre la oración, la Escritura, la Santa Cena, el ayuno y otros temas. Los grupos y cada persona individual crecerán espiritualmente a medida que aprenden acerca de las...

The Workbook of Living Prayer

Maxie Dunnam
One of the best-selling group resources ever published by The Upper Room, this dynamic and thought-provoking workbook will enrich your prayer life. "My prayer is that all who use this revised edition will not only learn something new about prayer, but more than anything else, will be inspired to pray," writes Dunnam. "Prayer is one of the ways we link ourselves with God, we put ourselves in the channel of God's moving power, and we participate with God in ministry to all persons…I am convince...

Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition

A Workbook  
Steve Harper
This workbook describes major features in John Wesley's devotional life, and it illustrates how you can apply his ministry to your own life. Structured around Wesley's "Means of Grace," the 7-week study covers prayer, scripture, the Lord's Supper, fasting, Christian conferencing, and providential means of grace. Developed for individual or group study, the workbook also offers suggestions for organizing an initial group meeting and developing a successful group study. Also available in Spanis...

The Workbook on the Seven Deadly Sins

Maxie Dunnam, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman
We're uncomfortable talking about it. We may try to ignore it or focus our attention on euphemisms: challenges, weaknesses to overcome, struggles, etc. We convince ourselves that the evil in the world is caused by sick people who are nothing like us. "Sin is real," write the authors of this best-selling workbook. "It's a part of each of us—even those in the church…All social ills are an extension of that which seethes and rages and contorts in the hearts of individuals." The Workbook on the S...

The Workbook on Virtues and the Fruit of the Spirit

Maxie Dunnam, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman
Some people say that virtue is out of fashion, but in their latest workbook, Maxie Dunnam and Kimberly Dunnam Reisman assert that it has never been more important. The authors explore the 7 cardinal virtues—wisdom, courage, justice, temperance, faith, hope, love, and the fruit of the spirit. They believe that our moral lives should reflect that we belong to God, and they are concerned that our present culture minimizes the importance of holy living for the Christian. Designed for either indiv...

Devotional Life In the Wesleyan Tradition (Korean Translation)

Steve Harper
This workbook describes major features in John Wesley's devotional life, and it illustrates how you can apply his ministry to your own life. Structured around Wesley's "Means of Grace," the 7-week study covers prayer, scripture, the Lord's Supper, fasting, Christian conferencing, and providential means of grace. Developed for individual or group study, the workbook also offers suggestions for organizing an initial group meeting and developing a successful group study.

Attendance Registration Pads

Available in sets of 20  
Discipleship Resources
These 6" x 9" pads are available only in sets of 20. Each pad has 50 sheets. Use with the Attendance Registration Pad Cover. Place one attendance notepad in each pew. Sorry, this item is ineligible for bulk or special promotional discounts.

Mission Possible

Creative Tool Box  
Innovation is mission-critical. A great resource for missional thinking, Mission Possible: Design Thinking for Social Change is a hands-on set of tools designed to teach users about the process of design thinking (more specifically, Human-Centered Design) to create solutions that resonate with the 'end-users.' This unique resource is a facilitated workshop that plays like a game to tackle difficult social problems using the resources people already have. It relies on brainstorming, iteration,...