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Showing 51 - 60 of 191 results

Take the Flag

Following God's Signals in the Race of Your Life  
Rob Fuquay
The spiritual life is often compared to a race. Pastor Rob Fuquay sees a parallel between the flags used in auto racing and the signals God sends us in our fast-paced lives. The purpose of Take the Flag is not to turn readers into race fans but to help them become stronger disciples of Jesus Christ by paying attention to the signals God gives us each day. In this Bible-based, 7-week churchwide series, Fuquay uses the flags from auto racing as a way to discuss different aspects of our life of ...

Take the Flag Enlarged Print

Following God's Signals in the Race of Your Life  
Rob Fuquay
The spiritual life is often compared to a race. Pastor Rob Fuquay sees a parallel between the flags used in auto racing and the signals God sends us in our fast-paced lives. The purpose of Take the Flag is not to turn readers into race fans but to help them become stronger disciples of Jesus Christ by paying attention to the signals God gives us each day. In this Bible-based, 7-week churchwide series, Fuquay uses the flags from auto racing as a way to discuss different aspects of our life of ...

Take the Flag DVD

Following God's Signals in the Race of Your Life  
Rob Fuquay
The spiritual life is often compared to a race. Pastor Rob Fuquay sees a parallel between the flags used in auto racing and the signals God sends us in our fast-paced lives. The purpose of Take the Flag is not to turn readers into race fans but to help them become stronger disciples of Jesus Christ by paying attention to the signals God gives us each day. In this Bible-based, 7-week churchwide series, Fuquay uses the flags from auto racing as a way to discuss different aspects of our life of ...

Building Spiritual Muscle

A Six-Week Journey to Shape a More Powerful Faith  
Sabrina N. Short, Chris Wilterdink
This six-session Bible Study and discipleship resource designed for youth will help work out their spiritual muscles and build their faith. Included in this resource are scripts for training and coaching the adult group leaders, as well as links to video clips of key speakers from the Youth 2015 event. The brief video clips will guide discussion for groups, with individuals setting their own learning and spiritual growth goals.This resource with help strengthen its users' faith and develop le...

Everyday Disciples

Covenant Discipleship with Youth  
Chris Wilterdink
Everyday Disciples: Covenant Discipleship With Youth by Chris Wilterdink resources pastors, youth leaders, and youth groups with information and planning materials related to Covenant Discipleship and accountability practices. Covenant Discipleship encourages youth to connect with Christ and one another through mutual accountability. It also encourages a networked support structure for living in the world as Christ followers. Take advantage of a discount and purchase all three Covenant Discip...

A Manual of the United Methodist Church (Korean)

Our Identity, History, Structure, Doctrine,and Practice  
Samuel Hong, Yongyeun Lee, Won-Geun Kang, ...
A Manual of The United Methodist Church: Our Identity, History, Structure, Doctrine, and Practice, by Samuel Hong, Kang Won Lee, Yongyeun Lee, and Won-Geun Kang is an introduction to the United Methodist Church. It explains the characteristics and differences of the United Methodist Church and teaches us how to practice faith and doctrine of the United Methodist Church in personal and communal life. This book helps the church leaders to engage the newcomers in growing Christian faith and prac...

Compassion in Practice

The Way of Jesus  
Frank Rogers Jr.
Jesus was a spiritual teacher who demonstrated personal and social transformation. His earliest disciples were first known not as Christians but as followers of the Way. Jesus' Way was a spirituality of radical compassion. He taught how to love and be loved by an extravagantly compassionate God; how to cultivate love for ourselves; and how to love our neighbors by extending love to the outcasts, the offensive, and even our enemies. Compassion in Practice is an introduction to Christian compas...

Blessed to Be a Blessing

Sacred Circle Time for Young Children  
Leanne Hadley
Blessed to be a Blessing: Sacred Circle Time for Young Children is designed specifically for young children using a simple-but-effective model that will move them beyond "learning about God" to "experiencing God" through ritual, wonder, story, prayer, and blessing. Dr. Leanne Hadley provides all the leadership tools as well as ideas for resources that all congregations already have on hand. Sacred Circle Time is ideal: for use in a variety of settings, including your church, preschool, day...

Flipping Church

How Successful Church Planters Are Turning Conventional Wisdom Upside-Down  
Michael Baughman
An innovative anthology written by successful church planters who have consistently and successfully challenged prevailing assumptions about healthy church development and "best practices." This informative book gives insight into how they broke the mold of church planting. Includes chapters written by Michael Baughman, Olu Brown, Doug Cunningham, Kenda Creasy Dean, Mark DeVries, Amanda Garber, Trey Hall, Diane Harrison, Elaine Heath, Jerry Herships, Derek Jacobs, Matt Miofsky, David Rangel, ...