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Showing 71 - 80 of 191 results

Children Worship!

MaryJane Pierce Norton
Children Worship! offers planned experiences that help children understand what is expected in worship, how to participate, and what our words and actions mean. This thirteen-session worship education resource helps congregations incorporate young children into the worshiping community. Sessions focus on the six actions of worship and cover the following topics: Gathering, Giving, Praise and Thanks, Praying, Proclaiming, Responding, and Sending.

Our Membership Vows in The United Methodist Church

Mark Stamm
A resource for both newcomers to the United Methodist Church and those who have been members for decades, Our Membership Vows is a wonderful reflection on the vows each member takes upon joining the church. Members make covenant to uphold the vows, and each one is discussed in this easy-to-read booklet. A great gift idea for churches to give to new members.

Creative Giving

Understanding Planned Giving and Endowments in Church  
Michael Reeves, Rob Fairly, Sanford Coon
Creative Giving is a perfect book for church leaders who have no expertise in the area of planned or creative giving. It is an excellent resource for helping non-experts think about estate planning and stewardship within the mission and ministry of the church. A comprehensive guide, Creative Giving guides church leaders in understanding the transfer of wealth through planned giving. The authors equip church leaders with the tools to develop a creative giving program within the congregation.

Sacred Days

Following Jesus Through the Christian Year  
Thomas R. Steagald
Praise for Sacred Days Tom Steagald knows how to write, which is to say he knows how to use his own true voice instead of one he has borrowed for the occasion. He also knows how to read, finding in the Gospels not just the same old stories we have heard all our lives but glimpses of the astonishing treasure to be found in those stories if we have our hearts open as well as our eyes." —Frederick Buechner, author "Christ takes time and thereby redeems time. This is the testimony of the church....

Justice in Everyday Life

A Look at the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church  
Neal Christie
Justice in Everyday Life, a Lay Servant Ministries advanced course, takes an in-depth look at the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church — the church's attempt to speak on contemporary issues with which it is confronted today. The book covers topics such as the following: Natural World, Social Community, Economic Community, Political Community, Biblical Foundations of the Social Principles, and Teaching the Social Principles. It is not only for Lay Servants but is for anyone interes...

Practicing Compassion

Frank Rogers Jr.
Praise for Practicing Compassion Everybody believes in compassion, but nobody tells you how to practice it. Until now. Frank Rogers turns compassion into a doable, daily practice—as simple as catching your breath and taking your pulse. If you want to read a book that actually has the capacity to change your life (and the world), beginning today, this is the book to read. —Brian D. McLaren Author/speaker/blogger/activist ( If you want clear, practical guidance on how to culti...

Practicing Compassion

An Academy Recommends eCourse  
Frank Rogers Jr.
Compassion is more than a sympathetic feeling?it is the bond of human connection. Most religions lift up compassion, yet few people actually teach how to practice it. Through rich and moving stories of people from various faiths, Frank Rogers, an Academy for Spiritual Formation faculty and advisory board member, shows ways to incorporate compassion in our daily lives. His interfaith perspective on mercy, kindness, and caring for one another trains us to Pay attention, Understand empathically...

Loving the World with God

Fourth Day Living  
Rebecca Bruff
Have you ever had a mountaintop spiritual experience and then had trouble returning to the reality of your daily life? This book is for those who have gone on a Walk to Emmaus weekend or another intense spiritual experience such as a retreat, mission trip, or sabbatical. After such a time of spiritual growth, you need practical, hands-on ways to continue your daily walk with Jesus Christ and love the world with God. Rebecca Bruff offers guidance and inspiration for living the rest of your lif...

The God We Can Know DVD

Exploring the "I Am" Sayings of Jesus  
Rob Fuquay
Getting to know God means getting to know ourselves. The more we know who God is the more we know who we are. The Gospel of John records several declarations of Jesus known as the "I Am" sayings. This 7-week study is designed for the entire congregation to explore each of those sayings and will help you find and form an answer to the most essential question in the Christian faith, "Who do you say I am?" One by one, Jesus' statements grab our imagination, reveal more about his identity and pu...