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Showing 91 - 100 of 511 results

The Mystic in You

Discovering a God-Filled World  
Bruce G. Epperly
What is a mystic? Bruce Epperly defines mystics as people who see holiness in everyday life. We can be mystics without leaving our families, disengaging from daily responsibilities, becoming a priest, or joining a monastic order. Epperly shows how we can experience the living God in the midst of daily life and never again take everyday events for granted. Bruce Epperly introduces readers to 12 individuals or groups of mystics through the ages: St. Francis of Assisi, the desert mothers and fat...

Introducing Theology to Laity

A Challenge to the Whole Church to Explore God’s Nature  
John Wesley Zwonunondiita Kurewa
As John Kurewa and his brother talked about a tragic bus crash that had occurred nearby, his brother said, "Well, that shows when your time to die has come, there is nothing you can do about it." Was it really God's will for all those people to die or be injured in that wreck? By together delving into the meaning of the event, and into God's nature, the author and his brother came to a more profound understanding of God's purpose regarding the events of our lives. Challenged by their discussi...

Living Compassion

Loving Like Jesus  
Andrew Dreitcer
Named One of the Best Spiritual Books of 2017 by Spirituality and Practice (Frederic & Mary Ann Brussat) In the face of hurtful public dialogue and worldwide conflict, many Christians want to practice and experience genuine compassion. After all, centuries of Christian teachings have insisted that compassion is at the heart of the Christian life. "Love your enemies," Jesus said in Luke 6:35-36. "Do good to them. Be compassionate, just as God is compassionate." How do we become more compassion...

Easter Earthquake

How Resurrection Shakes Our World  
Have you ever been in an earthquake? Earthquakes shake our most basic assumptions: that the ground will remain steady beneath our feet, that the world's current existence is the way it will always be. But when tectonic plates shift under the earth's surface and the ground shakes beneath our feet, it rattles the bedrock assumptions on which we build our lives. The Gospel of Matthew reports that on the first Easter morning, an earthquake rocked the earth, ripped open the tomb, and scared the Ro...

For Sabbath's Sake

Embracing Your Need for Rest, Worship, and Community  
J. Dana Trent
Discover a spiritual practice that helps you maintain spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental health. "We toiled on computers seven days per week, rising as early as 4:00 a.m. to squeeze in spiritual quiet time before we both retreated to our respective laptops, typing the days (and weekends) away. Though I grew up keeping Sundays sacred, six years into our marriage, we'd fallen into the trap of using the Lord's Day to catch up. … At its worst, our church attendance was less than 50 perce...

In Days to Come

From Advent to Epiphany  
Many people end their celebration of Christmas on December 25, but George Donigian reminds us that the celebration is only beginning. Donigian offers meditations that begin with Advent and continue through Epiphany (January 6), also known as the 12th night of Christmas. Like the surprises of an Advent calendar, the meditations touch on many subjects. Some topics include "An Editor," "A Counting Song," "Prudence," and "Chrismons." Instead of putting away your nativity scenes and other Christma...

Mandalas, Candles, and Prayer

A Simply Centered Advent  
Slow down, simplify, and add a burst of color to your Advent. The spiritual practice of coloring mandalas (circular designs), lighting candles, and praying regularly can help us stay centered on God during this busy time of year. Based on the 4 candles of the Advent wreath, this coloring book for adults weaves together the popular practice of coloring with 4 simple methods of contemplative prayer. This is more than just a coloring book for adults—it is also a visual prayer journal. Each chapt...

Lay Servants as Christian Transformational Leaders

Participant's Book  
Kathy Merry, Marc Brown, John Briggs
Building on the congregational strategic planning resource, "Does Your Church Have a Prayer?" this Participant’s Book will guide Lay Servants seeking to be more empowered to lead their congregations toward vitality. Written with two distinct purposes, Lay Servants as Christian Transformational Leaders will first define the three disciplines of Christian transformational leadership and the four qualities of Christian transformational leaders. The accompanying Leader's Guide is in PDF form and...

Pauses for Advent

Words of Wonder  
Taking time to pause for a few minutes each day can help us maintain balance in our lives, especially during the Advent and Christmas seasons. In this simple yet not simplistic book, Trevor Hudson focuses on one biblical word of wonder for each day of Advent. His insightful reflections on the word for each day invite individuals and groups to a deeper understanding of Advent. Hudson also briefly explores the lives and thoughts of 4 significant characters in the Christmas story, encouraging us...

Which Way, Lord?

Exploring Your Life's Purpose in the Journeys of Paul  
Rob Fuquay
As Christians, we hunger to know and live out God's purposes for our lives. But how do we know for certain that our choices are moving us in the right direction? Which Way, Lord? is a 6-session churchwide or small-group study that will help you understand God's desire for your life by unpacking your experiences alongside those of the apostle Paul. Through many detours, adversity, and time spent thinking about his life, Paul completely reoriented his understanding of faith and God's purpose fo...