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Showing 71 - 80 of 511 results

Don't Look Down

Answering Jesus' Call to Walk on the Water  
Rosario Picardo
Don't Look Down: Answering Jesus' Call to Walk on the Water is for followers of Jesus who may find themselves stuck in a rut spiritually, at a decision point but too afraid to make a move or wondering why they aren't living a more fulfilled, purposeful life. This book features practical application for turning faith into Kingdom work and discipleship in our faith communities. It also features fresh, encouraging, and imitable stories of people (church planters and entrepreneurs) who have heard...

This Life That Is Ours

Motherhood as Spiritual Practice  
Lauren Burdette
This Life That Is Ours offers 40 gentle meditations with guidance for reflection on the spiritual journey of motherhood. These practical, soul-affirming meditations nurture a mother's heart and spiritual life in a season fraught with overwhelm, exhaustion, and loss of identity. Through the lens of Burdette's real-life stories, the reader is invited to ponder her experience and to contemplate where God might be present. This book is divided into three sections. Reflections in the first section...


What the Bible Can Teach You About Yourself  
Angela D. Schaffner
Revealed: What the Bible Can Teach You About Yourself presents a unique look at a familiar cast of biblical characters through the eyes of a psychologist. While weaving in her personal story of healing, Schaffner uses her professional background to expertly highlight themes of seeking simplicity, finding purpose, and navigating painful and emotional experiences. Comprised of compelling, relatable stories, Revealed makes the Bible come alive to readers in a personal and meaningful way. Through...

One Breath at a Time

A Skeptic's Guide to Christian Meditation  
J. Dana Trent
In secular mainstream America, meditation has become as ubiquitous as yoga. But how does meditation fit into Christianity, and how does it differ from prayer? One Breath at a Time: A Skeptic's Guide to Christian Meditation reframes meditation for those who are skeptical because (1) they doubt their ability to be still and quiet and (2) they doubt the validity of meditation as a Christian spiritual practice. Using scripture, theology, and examples from the early church, this book challenges th...

Divine Friendship

Reflections for Lent  
Russell Pollitt SJ, Anthony Egan SJ, Trevor Hudson, ...
Many of us spend our lives searching for something to satisfy our deepest longings. Yet we will never find complete satisfaction in human relationships, possessions, or personal power. As Saint Augustine wrote, "Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you [God]." Lent offers us the opportunity to deepen our friendship with God. The idea of being friends with God may intimidate some, but the authors of this book provide practical tips for developing a closer relationship with God...

Because of This I Rejoice

Reading Philippians During Lent  
For too long Lent has been thought of as a season of self-sacrifice and discipline that sounds to many Christians like a list of spiritual chores. Lenten disciplines become the spiritual equivalent of New Year's resolutions to lose weight, be healthier, or practice better money management. These promises are easily made and often quickly broken, leaving us feeling like we do not measure up to what we should be. In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul joyfully turns to spiritual pra...

Crianza y fe

Cómo nutrir la fe de sus hijos en cada etapa de formación  
Kara Lassen Oliver
Dé a sus hijos el mejor regalo de todos, transmítales su fe. En Crianza y fe, Kara Lassen Oliver ofrece una guía práctica para ayudar a los padres, abuelos y otros adultos interesados en nutrir la fe de sus hijos. Durante cuatro semanas por temporada, ofrece sugerencias fáciles de seguir para las familias durante las temporadas de Adviento, Cuaresma, verano y de regreso a la escuela. Características de este libro: Planeación para las reuniones familiares semanales con actividades apropiada...

Hacia una mentalidad misionera

Aquello que los líderes de la iglesia deben saber para alcanzar a sus comunidades—Enseñanzas de E. Stanley Jones  
Douglas Ruffle
Douglas Ruffle escribe Hacia una mentalidad misionera utilizando los principios intemporales de E. Stanley Jones y los transfiere para su uso en la actualidad. Ruffle nos enseña a acercarnos al campo misionero como si fuéramos de un país diferente y aprendiéramos una nueva cultura, una nueva forma de comunicación y una nueva forma de conectar a las personas con las buenas nuevas del Evangelio de Jesucristo.

Blue Christmas

Devotions of Light in a Season of Darkness  
The Advent and Christmas season is often associated with joy, love, generosity, and unity. But for many people, this time of year magnifies loneliness, anxiety, grief, and despair. While others are enjoying celebrations with their friends and families, those who are hurting often feel even more lost, abandoned, and alone than ever. "Not all Christmases are white; some are blue," Todd Outcalt writes. Blue Christmas is a devotional book for the 28 days of Advent and Christmas Day. Each devotion...

The Living Nativity

Preparing for Christmas with Saint Francis  
Who came up with the idea of using nativity scenes to celebrate Christmas? Many might be surprised to learn that Francis of Assisi, the well-known thirteenth-century saint, is credited with creating the first nativity scene. The Living Nativity introduces readers to Saint Francis and his joyous reenactment of the birth of Jesus, complete with a manger and animals. The Living Nativity explores how nativity sets, Advent wreaths, candles, carols, Christmas cards, and other traditions help prepar...