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Showing 81 - 90 of 511 results

This Blue Christmas

An Experience of Light and Hope in an Unprecedented Advent  
Todd Outcalt
The Gospel of John reminds us, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it" (John 1:5). In this season that feels dark to many, as people of faith we have the promise of enduring light. But we'll need to look for it! What difficulty will the season of Advent hold for you this year? Separation from family? Financial distress? Isolation? The distress of living with the deep unknown? In the midst of the darkness, there is light! The Upper Room invites you to join us ...

Let Me Ask You a Question

Conversations with Jesus  
Matthew Croasmun
We often think of Jesus as someone with all the answers. But over and over in scripture, he asks questions, seeking to engage with people and genuinely interested in their responses. Matthew Croasmun challenges readers to consider this book as an experiment—an opportunity to see whether God is real. He invites us to enter into conversation with Jesus by answering the questions Jesus asks in scripture. The goal is not to come up with what we think are the right answers but to respond honestly ...

This Is My Body

Embracing the Messiness of Faith and Motherhood  
Hannah Shanks
Kneeling at the Communion rail, Hannah Shanks trembled as she received the bread and cup. Hours before, she had discovered she was pregnant. She heard the familiar words—"The body of Christ, broken for you; The blood of Christ, shed for you" as if for the first time. She remembered Jesus' words: "This is my body." Shanks realized that these words not only describe Jesus' death but also apply to every birth that has taken place. Suddenly, she felt a closer connection to God. This Is My Body is...

An Age of Opportunity

Intentional Ministry by, with, and for Older Adults  
Richard H. Gentzler Jr.
A companion to the author's earlier book Designing an Older Adult Ministry (Discipleship Resources, 1999), this book will provide new information and outline ways to develop and strengthen ministries by, with, and for older adults that can, and will, enhance the spiritual growth and well-being of people of all ages. The church is beginning to recognize that there are vast numbers of older people in its membership. It is becoming aware of its indebtedness to them for the leadership, support, ...

Upper Room Worshipbook, Accompaniment & Worship Leader Edition

Elise S. Eslinger
The Upper Room Worshipbook: Accompaniment & Worship Leader Edition (AWL) includes all of the wonderful elements of the revised singer's edition, along with alternate prayers and liturgical texts and tools for the worship planner. Full keyboard accompaniments for all selections are provided, as well as alternate keyboard and guitar chording. Included also are solo, cantor, and instrumental options to enhance the "people's parts." The second and third sections of the AWL feature interpretative ...

The Meaning of Baptism in the United Methodist Church

Mark Stamm
In this accessbile and informative book, Dr. Mark W. Stamm examines the sacrament of baptism within the context of The United Methodist Church. Included are sections on the biblical roots of baptism, the meaning of baptism as cleansing, new birth, new life, and covenant; effective means of forming persons and sponsors for baptism; and frequently asked questions about a United Methodist practice of baptism.

Remembering Our Baptism

Discipleship and Mission in the Wesleyan Spirit  
Philip R. Meadows
Drawing on the roots of early Methodists, Philip Meadows urges readers to use the act of "remembering their baptism" to connect themselves to their own discipleship and mission. This will result in the daily shaping of their Christian lives by personal and corporate spiritual discipline, which is itself decidedly baptismal in character. When church communities of every size remember their baptism, they hold one another accountable for the life of disciplined discipleship and everyday witness....

Pauses for Pentecost

50 Words for Easter People  
Trevor Hudson
How do you prepare for Pentecost? As followers of Christ, we are invited to become Easter people filled with the Holy Spirit. The Resurrection is the center of the Christian faith. Without it there would be no Christian story, Christian church, or Christian way of life. Did you know that the Christian calendar sets aside a season of 50 days between Easter and Pentecost? The Easter season, sometimes called Eastertide, includes our Lord's ascension and leads to the Day of Pentecost, when Christ...

Small Church Checkup

Assessing Your Church's Health and Creating a Treatment Plan  
Kay Kotan, Phil Schroeder
Many small membership churches today are faced with the sobering reality of attendance loss and overall decline. This resource provides a guide to help you find hope, alternatives, and the possibility of a new beginning. Included are tools to help you measure your church's vitality, evaluate the results, and diagnose your church's condition, along with several options for treatment plans as you seek to faithfully serve your community. Remember that we can choose our story. If we believe in ou...

Blessed Endurance

Moving Beyond Despair to Hope  
John R Wimmer
Where is God when we are hurting or in despair? How can we find hope even when we feel hopeless? Pain, struggle, and despair are part of life, and they test our character as God's people. John Wimmer approaches these challenges to our faith realistically and thoughtfully. He does not offer easy answers or platitudes like "Everything happens for a reason." We can't always understand or control many things that happen to us, but we can choose how we respond to our circumstances. Wimmer encourag...