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Showing 211 - 220 of 511 results

Ministerios de servicio laico Curso básico Libro del participante

Sandy Jackson, Brian Jackson
Los autores, en la Introducción de este recurso, mencionan: «Dios le ha llamado a una vida de servicio como discípulo y discípula de Jesucristo. Ministerios del servicio laico es el primer paso que dan muchos laicos y laicas hacia el comienzo de su jornada de fe, en su esfuerzo de procurar una relación más íntima con el Señor». El Curso básico de Ministerios de servicio laico está diseñado para ser una experiencia de capacitación introductoria para el nuevo liderato de la iglesia, y a la vez...

Healing from Divorce

28 Days of Prayer  
The sixth book in the 28 Days of Prayer series, Healing from Divorce offers meditations that will lead you on a journey of healing. Whether you anticipate divorce, are in the midst of the process, or are living life after divorce, each meditation suggests a Bible reading and quotes a Bible verse. Each also includes a story, along with a question or exercise for reflection. Weekly Themes: Broken Dreams, Broken Hearts (mourning the loss) The Buck Starts Here (taking responsibility) The Road t...


Reflections on Faith, Family, Justice, and Pop Culture  
Michael W. Waters
In this prophetic collection of essays, Michael Waters comments on current issues from his perspective as pastor, husband, father, and expert on hip-hop culture. Waters seeks to inspire hope in people who live in urban centers and in those who provide relief and minister with this context, where it often seems that hope is bankrupt. Freestyle seeks to restore Christian hope by pointing to the presence of God at work within these communities. Michael Waters is the founder of Joy Tabernacle, on...

Becoming Who God Wants You to Be

60 Meditations for Personal Spiritual Direction  
W. Paul Jones
For those who do not have a spiritual director—or are curious about the concept—W. Paul Jones has crafted a series of topical meditations that facilitate self-guided spiritual direction. In this refreshing approach to a means of spiritual growth, readers will explore self-guided spiritual direction with the ultimate spiritual director: the Holy Spirit. Examine your inner thoughts, truths, difficulties, and triumphs through reflection questions at the end of each chapter that prompt introspect...

Evangelization and Church Growth in the African Context

Joaquina Nhanala
In this time when the church is experiencing a tremendous growth in members and in the number of denominations, such questions like the "what," "why," and "how" of evangelism need to be addressed. This resource gives answers and guidance to these and other important questions. Foreword by Bishop Joaquina Nhanala.

A Guide to Prayer for All Who Walk with God (Paperback Edition)

Rueben P. Job, John S. Mogabgab, Norman Shawchuck
This book, the fourth in The Upper Room's bestselling "Guide to Prayer" series, offers a simple pattern of daily prayer built around weekly themes and organized by the Christian church year. Each week follows this pattern: Affirmation Psalm Psalm Prayer Daily Scripture Readings Silence Daily Reading Reflection (Silent or Written) Prayers Offering of Self to God Blessing The daily readings are drawn from the history of Christian spirituality and feature such writers as Francis of...

A Mission Journey

A Handbook for Volunteers  
Edited by Una Jones, The Upper Room
This handbook encourages short-term mission volunteers to reflect on the reasons why they engage in mission and how they plan and prepare to be more intentional. It helps volunteers shape the stories of their mission experiences in a way that enhances their personal and spiritual journeys. This is the Participant's Book. The Leader's Guide, God's Mission, Our Journey, can be found here.

Leading Worship

Taylor Burton-Edwards
This advanced leader's course in Lay Servant Ministries focuses on the ministry of the Lay Servant who either regularly or occasionally leads a group, class, organization, or the congregation in worship. The course is grounded in the classic patterns of Christian worship and the practices of leading worship. Participants will come to understand more about Christian worship in order to lead worship with more confidence. They will practice leading worship in a variety of formats throughout the ...

Planning Worship

Taylor Burton-Edwards
Revised and updated, this popular book shows pastors and worship leaders the basics of United Methodist worship. In this straightforward and updated commentary, Hoyt Hickman explains the basic pattern of United Methodist worship within the broader context of Christian worship. Drawing upon five basic principles, the author explains the formative nature of worship and how it can revitalize persons' lives. These principles are: God's Word is primary; active congregational participation is cruci...

A Pocket Guide to Prayer

Steve Harper
In response to comments from booksellers and readers, Upper Room Books has reissued A Pocket Guide to Prayer in a slightly larger trim size with a new, leatherlike cover. The content is exactly the same as the first edition, which had a brown, satiny, paperback cover. This lovely, classic, and compact book contains a wealth of information, such as helps for praying up to 5 times a day, over 100 prayers, hymn texts, and psalms. Harper also explains how to create a personal Rule of Life and how...