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Showing 231 - 240 of 511 results

Freedom from Worry

28 Days of Prayer  
Patricia Wilson
Are you waking several times a night, obsessing over some situation you can't control? Perhaps you're anxious about your job, a strained relationship, your children, your finances, aging parents, health issues, or the state of the world. God calls you to leave your worrying behind, Patricia Wilson reminds you in this brief book packed with helpful suggestions for letting go of your worries. Twenty-eight days of prayer can help reduce your anxiety level. Meditate on the devotions and pray the ...

Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course Leader's Guide

Sandy Jackson, Brian Jackson
The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course Leader's Guide is an introductory course designed to equip new church leaders and renew current leaders in The United Methodist Church. It can be used with adults and youth and is the foundational course for other leadership training courses. This course covers the 3 three core categories of Lay Servant Ministries: Leading, Caring, and Communicating; it also emphasizes ministry in daily life and sharing faith stories. The plans in this Leader's Guide ar...

Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course Participant's Book

Sandy Jackson, Brian Jackson
"God calls you to a life of servanthood as a disciple of Jesus Christ. …Lay Servant Ministries is the first step for many laypersons toward their faith journey as they strive for a closer relationship with the Lord," the authors write in the introduction. The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course is a foundational course designed to equip new church leaders and renew current leaders in The United Methodist Church. It explores personal spiritual gifts servant leadership each leader's role in d...

A Quiet Pentecost

Inviting the Spirit into Congregational Life  
Dwight H. Judy
During the past 30 years, a quiet revolution has taken place in Christianity. People of all ages are finding the need for daily prayer. Many are encountering Jesus anew through ancient yet new forms of prayer. "Quiet Pentecosts" are happening as Christians engage in spiritual practices. Congregations feel the power of the Holy Spirit at work as they participate in thoughtful reading of scripture, walking the labyrinth, prayerful listening to one another, spiritual direction, and more. At a ti...

Joy Boosters

120 Ways to Encourage Older Adults  
Missy Buchanan
Know an elderly person who needs a little encouragement? Best-selling author Missy Buchanan, an older adult advocate and a former creativity educator, offers you a bounty of ideas for lifting the spirits of older adults. Her passion for and sensitivity to the needs of elderly persons shine through in this practical book that's packed with simple, creative ways to boost the joy of older adults. Joy Boosters is perfect for families and friends of older adults, caregivers, senior residence facil...

Beginning Prayer

John Killinger
Do you long for a deeper relationship with God but don't know where to start? Have you ever felt awkward or frustrated when you tried to pray? You are not alone. Many Christians are insecure about their prayer life. John Killinger, a former pastor and professor, is well qualified to give step-by-step instructions for how to pray. In this simple how-to book, he answers basic questions beginners have about prayer. Beginning Prayer will help you learn: the appropriate attitude for prayer the ...

African Religion

The Quarry of the Rock of Monotheism  
John Wesley Zwonunondiita Kurewa
Worldwide scholarship has established the fact that Africa is the cradle land of humanity. Dr. Kurewa promotes the theory that African Religion could very easily have been the proto-religion of humanity, and a religion from which other monotheistic religions, such as Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam have their roots. The author shifts the traditional African historical studies stance of looking at Africa from Egypt alone, and instead looks at Africa from inside Africa. Dr. Kur...

The Cycle of Grace

Living in Sacred Balance  
Trevor Hudson, Jerry P. Haas
Are you soul-weary? Do you struggle to make time for God in the midst of a packed schedule? Or do you sometimes stay so busy doing things for God that you can't relax and just "be"? Jesus faced amazing pressure and overwhelming demands throughout his ministry, but he did not experience the burnout so common today among Christian ministers and laypersons. You can learn the rhythm of living that Jesus demonstrates — the Cycle of Grace — throughout the Gospels. Use this workbook and accompanying...

Safe Sanctuaries - Older Adults

The Church Responds to Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of Older Adults  
Richard H. Gentzler Jr., Joy Thornburg Melton
Have you ever thought of older adults in your church as being vulnerable to exploitation, abuse, or neglect? The statistics are sobering. According to the AARP Bulletin, each year 1 in 7 older Americans is victimized physically, emotionally, or financially. But many cases of elder abuse go unreported. Elder abuse can happen to any older person—someone in your church, your neighbor, your loved one, even yourself—and anywhere. No church is immune from this reality. Don't let your church be part...

The Miracles of Jesus

Meditations and Prayers for Lent  
What do the miracles of Jesus have to do with our lives today? Wessel Bentley describes Jesus' miracles as complex events. Not only did they transform people's lives through healing, multiplication, or resurrection, but they also challenged attitudes and beliefs. This is what makes Jesus' miracles timeless: they can still touch our lives today just as they did the lives of people 2,000 years ago. Each daily reading in this Lenten book begins with a scripture reading, followed by the author's ...