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Showing 251 - 260 of 511 results

My Story, My Song

Mother-Daughter Reflections on Life and Faith  
Missy Buchanan, Lucimarian Roberts, Robin Roberts
My Story, My Song is the heartwarming memoir of the late 88-year-old Lucimarian Tolliver Roberts, mother of Good Morning America coanchor Robin Roberts. It details pivotal moments in Mrs. Roberts' life, revealing how faith in God gave her strength and hope to face the challenges of life. Good Morning America viewers came to know and love Lucimarian Tolliver Roberts. For many, the heartfelt connection began the day after Hurricane Katrina blew through the Gulf Coast. They eagerly watched as R...

A Spirituality of Living

The Henri Nouwen Spirituality Series  
John S. Mogabgab, Henri J. M. Nouwen
What's the secret to living a spiritual life? So much is happening in our world that we often get distracted and listen to voices other than the voice of God. "If we want to be disciples of Jesus, we have to live a disciplined life," Nouwen asserts. In the spiritual life, discipline requires conscious effort to keep every area in life from being filled up. It means creating space in our life for God to act and speak. Nouwen identifies 3 essential disciplines for maintaining a life of disciple...

Prayers for Life's Ordinary and Extraordinary Moments

Compiled and Edited by Mary Lou Redding  
Mary Lou Redding
Sometimes our prayers flow easily, and we talk to God just as naturally as we would to a dear friend. But sometimes we can't find words to express our thoughts, no matter how hard we try. What can you do when you can't pray, or when you need a prayer for a specific occasion but don't know where to begin? You can turn to the prayers of other Christians to carry you into God's presence. Prayers for Life's Ordinary and Extraordinary Moments is a unique collection of prayers that give you words t...

That We May Perfectly Love Thee

Preparing Our Hearts for Holy Communion  
Robert Benson
Why is it important to prepare your heart for Holy Communion? Holy Communion (also known as the Lord's Supper, service of Word and Table, or Eucharist) is an act of worship that Christians are called to offer to God, Robert Benson believes. "[The observance of Communion] is a critical part of our life together," he notes. "It seems critically important that we approach this act of praise and thanksgiving with some measure of reverence." Benson invites us to take a fresh look at this central p...

Pray for Me

The Power in Praying for Others  
Kenneth H. Carter Jr., Kenneth H. Carter
"Pray for me," someone says to you. How seriously do you take such a request? Ken Carter, a pastor for nearly 30 years, says he has learned to honor the request "Pray for me" as a cry for help. "It is an acknowledgment that we are limited and finite creatures. It is a trust placed in a higher power," he comments. "It is always prompted by a situation that would not be desired, yet it is always an occasion for the grace of God." Carter compares a person in need—whether it's because of illness,...

The Struggles of Caregiving

28 Days of Prayer  
Nell E. Noonan
Caregiving is a demanding task that takes a huge toll on the person providing care—mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Nell Noonan, speaking from her own experience as caregiver for her husband, describes caregiving as a "cataclysmic spiritual experience." She says it's critical for caregivers to practice self-care so they can cope with their situation. Paying attention to one's spiritual health is especially important. The 28 Days format (4 weeks of brief daily readings that ...

How We Preach

Preaching in the African Context  
Eben Kanukayi Nhiwatiwa
This book is the second of two volumes on Preaching in African Context. For both seasoned preachers and beginners, including students in seminaries, Bible colleges, and universities, this second volume explores how we preach and the practice of contextual preaching in Africa. The two volumes go hand-in-hand and Nhiwatiwa demonstrates that the principles need good practice to become contextual preaching, and our practice needs principles to ensure integrity. Read these volumes to see why preac...

The Role of Agape

Walk to Emmaus  
Susan Jackson, Cinda McCracken
As a way of infusing participants with a sense of God's unconditional (agape) love, tangible signs of agape are everywhere during a Walk to Emmaus or a Chrysalis weekend. This book explains the various forms of agape and anonymous acts of servanthood that are vital to communicating unconditional love during each 3-day event.

Why We Preach

Preaching in the African Context  
Eben Kanukayi Nhiwatiwa
This book is the first of two volumes on Preaching in the African Context. For both seasoned preachers and beginners, including students in seminaries, Bible colleges, and universities, this first volume explores why we preach and the principles of contextual preaching in Africa. Nhiwatiwa demonstrates that contextual preaching serves as the most appropriate way of communicating the gospel in Africa—it can connect with and engage the minds of people in effective ways. Read these volumes to se...

Reaching Toward Easter

Devotions for Lent  
Derek Maul
Derek Maul beckons you to join him on a devotional pilgrimage through Lent. Imagine yourself sitting at the table with Jesus and his disciples. Walk with Jesus on the dusty path from Bethany to Jerusalem. Watch him closely and listen to his words of grace, hope, and challenge as he moves purposefully toward the Cross. Reaching Toward Easter features 49 daily devotions that include in-depth Bible study, personal stories, and prayers. Maul hopes that you will arrive at Holy Week refreshed rath...