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Showing 301 - 310 of 511 results

Do Not Live Afraid

Faith in a Fearful World  
John Indermark
In scripture, the opposite of faith is often fear. With remarkable frequency, the first thing God says to those poised at the edge of momentous decisions or holy encounters is, "Do not be afraid." What God intends is not simply an attitude adjustment but empowerment. "Do not be afraid" finds its expression when we do not live afraid. This book invites readers and groups who gather around it to take that word to heart — and beyond heart to living. Each chapter considers a theme that explores w...

No Act of Love Is Ever Wasted

The Spirituality of Caring for Persons with Dementia  
Jane Marie Thibault, Richard L. Morgan
With more than 6 million people in the United States living with Alzheimer's disease and more than 11 million Americans providing unpaid care for people with Alzheimer's or other dementias, addressing the concerns of these elders and their caregivers is a matter of increasing importance. Relying on their many years of experience in this area, gerontologist Jane Marie Thibault and Richard L. Morgan offer this book to provide a fresh, hopeful model of dealing with Alzheimer's and other forms of...

The Uncluttered Heart

Making Room for God During Advent and Christmas  
It's a time when we prepare our lives—hearts, minds, and spirits—for the coming of the Christ child. We sweep out the corners of our hearts, cleaning up the clutter, to make space for God's hope, peace, joy, love, and presence. The Uncluttered Heart offers four weeks of guided reflection through the weeks of Advent on through Epiphany. Each day provides a quotation scripture passage reflection prayer This book includes a study guide for groups.

The Most Important Space in the Church

The Nursery  
Rita B. Hays
A strong children's ministry is the foundation for the future vitality of any church—whether it is a small family community or a robust neighborhood church. In The Most Important Space in the Church, Rita Hays emphasizes that evangelism and spiritual formation begin in the nursery. It is in the nursery that many visitors first interact with church members and experience an outpouring of warmth and acceptance—known as radical hospitality. By building a rich, spiritually rooted ministry with in...

Songs of Grace

New Hymns for God and Neighbor  
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette
Sing a new song! The book, Songs of Grace, includes over 70 new hymns written to be sung to the tunes of many well loved and well known hymns. The new words offer expressions of hope, celebration, and spiritual enrichment. Accompanying each new hymn is a devotion or meditation to be used in reflection of the melodic prayers. The hymns are written to celebrate the ministry of a wide range of church activities, from older adult ministries and stewardship to social justice and many other topics ...

Where the World Meets to Pray

People and Stories of The Upper Room  
Mary Lou Redding
Conscious of the need for a closer walk with God, of a deeper spiritual need . . . I covenant with God to seek an enrichment of my own spiritual life by observing a period of devotions each day. —The Upper Room Covenant (1935) This is the story of a little magazine and how it grew. From its first issue in spring 1935 to now, The Upper Room daily devotional guide is prayer raised to a lifestyle. The vision has always been to reestablish the practice of daily prayer and Bible reading. But the...

Woman Overboard

How Passion Saved My Life  
Do you long for more passion in your life? How do you define passion? Many people associate passion with intense romance, adventure, creativity, vocation, or calling. If you ask a pastor or priest to define passion, he or she would likely link the word to the passion of Christ, to the events of Holy Week. The definition of passion has evolved over the years. Originally the word came from the Latin passio, which means "to suffer." Woman Overboard invites you to join an adventure of discovering...

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

A Study of Personal Prayer  
Margie Burger
Prayer is a relationship with God that grows and matures over time. "We can be mature in one area of our Christian walk and still be a beginner in other areas," Burger writes. "That is not an indictment but an acknowledgment of the different ways we grow. If we are still a beginner in our prayer life, God simply desires us to take the next step… We are not striving in our own strength. God desires and provides for an intimate prayer life for all believers." Burger's study combines scriptural ...

Safe Sanctuaries for Ministers

Best Practices and Ethical Decisions  
Joy Thornburg Melton
As an attorney, Joy Thornburg Melton understands the need to educate clergy concerning basics of ethical practice within their particular leadership role in the church. She also wants to help clergy become aware of the potential traps they face: isolation, improper self-care, and lack of accountability. Safe Sanctuaries for Ministers explores three large areas of special concern to clergy: Counseling and the potential improprieties within the counseling relationship Finances and the potenti...

Being a Christian in the Wesleyan Tradition

John O. Gooch
Discover what it truly means to be an involved member of your church and grow in your faith. Unlike many books on church membership, Being a Christian in the Wesleyan Tradition does not spend a lot of time on bylaws or matters of organization. Instead, the author speaks to the heart of our participation: how we belong, what we believe, how we live, and the possibilities for our growth in faith. Christians belong to a community of faith, John Gooch stresses. Being a Christian in the Wesleyan...