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Showing 281 - 290 of 511 results

In the Sanctuary of Women

A Companion for Reflection and Prayer  
Come spend some time in the sanctuary of women, an often-ignored space in Jewish and Christian history. This devotional book for women highlights six women from around the world and across the centuries, inviting us to discover what their lives tell us about God. Jan Richardson, a gifted poet, artist, and author, believes it is essential for women to listen to one another's wisdom and bring the fullness of their lives, with all the wonders and messiness, into their prayer life. In the Sanctua...

Reluctant Pilgrim

A Moody, Somewhat Self-Indulgent Introvert's Search for Spiritual Community  
Enuma Okoro
Finalist in the "Best Books 2010" Awards "This is one of those books that you read and then have to sit back or curl up in a ball and 'be still and know.' In these honest, tear-stained pages are clear signs that there is a 'Hound of Heaven' hunting us down—this Spirit that is stalking us with love, winking at us with miracles, tickling us with grace, subverting everything that could destroy us, and whispering in our ears that we are truly beloved." —Shane Claiborne Author, activist, recover...

Sacred Breath

40 Days of Centering Prayer  
J. David Muyskens
When life takes an unexpected turn that leaves you reeling, sometimes you have to remind yourself to just breathe. But God is closer than the air you breathe. Grounded in scripture and Christian tradition, Sacred Breath walks you through the practice of Centering Prayer and helps you breathe in deeply the presence of God. Learn how to present yourself to God in silence twice a day without any agenda. Forty days of practical, encouraging meditations will help you get started in the rich experi...

The Workbook on Abiding in Christ

The Way of Living Prayer  
Maxie Dunnam
"There is a place in God's heart that … only you can fill," writes Maxie Dunnam in this long-awaited sequel to The Workbook of Living Prayer. Eight weeks of daily readings in The Workbook on Abiding in Christ will help you find your place in God's heart and discover the secret to authentic Christian living. Through the brief teaching segments, scripture, ideas for reflecting and recording, suggestions for taking what you have learned from your prayer time into the day, and guides for group sh...

Meeting the Messiah

Scriptures for the Advent Season  
Kara Lassen Oliver
Journey through this Advent season with a purposeful focus on the Christ child. Meeting the Messiah encourages you to slow down and pay attention to the real meaning of Christmas. Six weeks of short readings and guided reflection will enrich your celebration of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. You will be filled with joy and thanksgiving as you think about scripture passages from the perspectives of the Holy Spirit, John the Baptist, Mary, the shepherds, the magi, and Jesus himself. This year...

The Way of Scripture Leader's Guide

Marjorie J. Thompson
The Way of Scripture Participant's Book is also available for small-group members. Do you search the scriptures to validate your own beliefs and decisions, or do you allow the Word to search you? If you're looking for a deeper experience of God's Word, this study will support you in going beyond simple Bible study. You'll find ideas to help you lay aside preconceived notions and daily worries, creating a place for a transforming encounter with God. The Leader's Guide for the 8-week small-grou...

The Way of Scripture Participant's Book

Marjorie J. Thompson, M. Robert Mulholland
The Way of Scripture Leader's Guide is also available. Join other committed Christians in an 8-week study (includes a preparatory session) designed to help you experience scripture as a place of transforming encounter with God. This Companions in Christ resource promotes the classical practice of lectio divina to develop patterns of being engaged by God in scripture. The following topics are addressed: Scripture: A Place of Transforming Encounter Silentio: Preparing to Be Read by Scripture ...

Facing Financial Struggle

28 Days of Prayer  
Wessel Bentley
You sit down to pay the bills and realize that the money in your checking account won't cover them. You turn on the national news, and the economic forecast sounds bleak. Now, more than ever, you need to feel God's presence. Facing Financial Struggle provides 4 weeks of daily readings, prayers, and suggestions to support you as you deal with financial trouble and all the emotions it stirs. In this guide, you'll find scriptures, prayers, questions, and ideas appropriate for personal or group s...

Shaping a Life of Significance for Retirement

R. Jack Hansen, Jerry P. Haas
This retirement book focuses on the personal dimensions of the move from full-time work to partial or full retirement. Drawing upon conversations with retired professionals from around the country, it identifies some of the key transitions in the first years of retirement, the unique opportunities for personal growth in this phase of life, and the real challenges we must face. Retired engineer Jack Hansen and spiritual formation leader Jerry Haas explore the transitions, opportunities, and ch...

The Spirit and Art of Conflict Transformation

Creating a Culture of Justpeace  
Thomas Porter
Transforming conflict into a positive rather than a negative force is a spiritual pursuit and needs to be grounded in biblical principles: love of God, neighbor, and self. This book is a resource for leaders, ministers, mediators, facilitators, and conflict transformation consultants who want to approach the work in this way. Part 1 explains how we can prepare ourselves for the work of engaging conflict. Part 2 explores how we engage others in conflict transformation, outlining specific proce...