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Showing 311 - 320 of 511 results

Not Alone

Encouragement for Caregivers  
Nell E. Noonan
Caregivers have a front-row seat to suffering. Helping someone (most likely a close loved one) through disease, pain, frailty, and death exacts a tremendous toll. In the midst of caregiving, we often feel inadequate, fatigued, and overwhelmed with despair. The thought of reaching out for help does not occur to many caregivers, but we cannot go it alone-we need to find ways to connect with others. Self-care is also critical to our mental and physical health. Nell Noonan offers 150 honest and ...

A Blueprint for Discipleship

Wesley's General Rules as a Guide for Christian Living  
Kevin Watson
Do no harm. Do good. Practice the spiritual disciplines. Watch over one another in love. ?John Wesley's General Rules Why is this so hard? Does being a part of the Wesleyan tradition make any difference in living out your faith? Does Methodism offer guidance as we look to the future and seek renewal? Methodist Christians sometimes exhibit the most unchristian attitudes and behavior. People notice. And it's reflecting badly on the church, but we can?individually and colle...

Entering the Psalms, Leader's Guide

Anne Crumpler, Anne Crumpler,
Entering the Psalms Participant's Book is available for small group members. A 6-week study opens the door to experience the Psalms in a new way! This leader's guide includes a process and resources for an introductory meeting and 6 weekly meetings of either 45 or 90 minutes. The longer format includes group lectio divina (contemplation of and individual response to scripture) in each session. "O taste and see that the Lord is good." — Psalm 34:8 This is a different Bible study from most. E...

Not Just a One-Night Stand

Ministry with the Homeless  
Karen Vannoy, John Flowers
The story of how a church dying for more than two decades found its soul—and a new identity. In the foreword to this book, Tex Sample says: "The Christ who is Lord of the Church stands at the margins of the world. To forget either Christ as Lord or the Christ at the margins is to lose our ways as the church…In this faith-inspiring book, John Flowers and Karen Vannoy call the church again to the Christ who is Lord who appears at the margins of established, respectable life." Not Just a One-Nig...

Entering the Psalms, Participant's Workbook

The Upper Room
Entering the Psalms Leader's Guide is also available. A 6-week study opens the door to experience the Psalms in a new way! "O taste and see that the Lord is good." — Psalm 34:8 This is a different Bible study from most. Entering the Psalms invites you to consider how a collection of poetic praises and laments dating from 1400 BC to 500 BC relate to your own life and experiences. Finding that connection is at the heart of formational reading, and that's the thread of the "Meeting God in Scrip...

Does Your Church Have a Prayer? Leader's Guide

In Mission Toward the Promised Land  
Kathy Merry, Marc Brown, John Briggs
Does Your Church Have a Prayer? presents a model of revitalization, transformation, and discipleship for congregations to fulfill Jesus' prayer in John 17. Your church can move from maintenance to mission, from defending current realities to living into a joyful future. The authors provide pastors and church leaders with a step-by-step planning guide that will equip them for the task of leading the church in a scripturally grounded visioning and strategic ministry planning process. "Every chu...

Does Your Church Have a Prayer? Participant's Workbook

In Mission Toward the Promised Land  
Kathy Merry, Marc Brown, John Briggs
Finally! A resource that guides a congregation from settling for survival to embracing joyful service. This Participant's Workbook consists of 6 weeks of Bible studies that lead to adopting a collaborative 24-month congregational action plan. Each week's study offers a prayer to open the time together, questions to encourage scriptural reflection, and questions to facilitate feedback as the congregation makes intentional decisions about its mission and ministry. A Leader's Guide is also avail...

Lay Pastoral Care Giving

Tim M. Farabaugh
A distinguished historian, academic and occasional evangelist I know was hushed by his stunned wife after he said to a friend he was visiting in the hospital, "I hope you don't die." A sentiment delivered sincerely but oh-so-awkwardly. Expressing care to someone in need—whether within the community of faith or beyond—may seem the most natural thing in the world. For some, it is; for others, it's less so. All can improve. Learn to reach out with God's love and care for others as outlined in th...

Extending the Table

A Guide for a Ministry of Home Communion Serving  
Mark Stamm
"Who is missing?" Mark Stamm says this is a quesion the church should ask every time its members gather around the Lord's Table. Participation in the Lord's Supper is not a ritual action we perform as isolated individuals, Stamm points out. Instead, we partake of the sacrament with the whole church in mind, even those who cannot attend. In Extending the Table Stamm discusses historical, theological, and pastoral questions about home Communion demonstrates the central role Communion has play...

The Meeting God Bible

Growing in Intimacy with God through Scripture (NRSV)  
Timothy Jones
Encounter God in new, transforming ways through the pages of this truly unique resource, The Meeting God Bible. If you hunger for greater depth in your relationship with God, the NRSV Meeting God Bible is a feast for the imagination, emotions and intellect—leading to a clearer understanding of God's call to you in scripture. "Holy scripture is a living, breathing thing," writes one reviewer. "Each Christian must engage it individually as well as corporately—learning to see the story of their ...