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Showing 61 - 70 of 512 results

The Wondrous Mystery

An Upper Room Advent Reader Enlarged Print  
Benjamin Howard
During Advent we think about a wondrous mystery: that God chose to become human and lived among us. The Savior of the world was born a vulnerable child. The king who will rule all of creation was laid in a humble manger. The Wondrous Mystery invites readers to reflect on several paradoxes that make up the Advent season: light and darkness, peace and strife, solitude and community, simplicity and complexity. This daily Advent reader incorporates meditations from Weavings: A Journal of the Chri...

Soul Reset DVD

Breakdown, Breakthrough, and the Journey to Wholeness  
Junius B. Dotson
Are you working at a relentless pace, trapped in a cycle of trying to meet others' needs and ignoring your own? You need a Soul Reset—a hard stop to chronic busyness, a deep look inward, an intentional reliance on spiritual practices to help you reconnect with God, and a new path toward the abundant life to which Jesus calls you. The Soul Reset DVD includes six 5- to 7-minute segments with author Junius B. Dotson in which he explores themes of authenticity and wholeness from his book Soul R...

Soul Reset

A Journey to Wholeness with Ron Bell  
Junius B. Dotson
Everything was going fine ? until it wasn't. For Reverend Junius B. Dotson it took an actual breakdown during a funeral for him to realize he needed a reset. As he recalls his own journey through grief, depression, burnout, and emotional breakdown, Dotson is passionate about calling for a Soul Reset. He is calling out to all of us: pastors, church leaders, and all disciples of Jesus Christ. This eCourse edition of Soul Reset is a 7-session study designed for anyone who moves at breakneck spe...

The Wondrous Mystery

An Upper Room Advent eCourse  
Benjamin Howard
We live in strange times. Our world is shifting and changing, and we are increasingly aware of our vulnerability and uncertainty. The season of Advent invites us to embrace the yet unknown?to pay attention to what we do not see with our eyes and what we do not understand. It's a season that asks us to wait expectantly and hopefully, though we may not be at all certain just what we are waiting for. As Christians, we are empowered by our knowledge of Jesus Christ: we know that Jesus was born, ...

Still Praying After All These Years

Meditations for Later Life  
Susan Carol Scott
People in the later years of life face many changes, many that are not of their own choosing. Still Praying After All These Years offers 52 reassuring meditations that encourage readers to realize that their lives still have meaning and that aging holds opportunities for spiritual growth. Each meditation begins with a concern, question, or insight expressed in the author's conversations with people ages 75-100. In the Perspectives section, the author provides psychological and theological ins...

A Spirituality of Fundraising Workbook Edition

Henri J. M. Nouwen, Nathan Ball
The why—and how—of faith-based fundraising and stewardship. For years, many faith-based fundraisers and communities have been inspired by Henri J. M. Nouwen's book A Spirituality of Fundraising and his approach to fundraising as a calling and ministry. Many who are inspired by Nouwen's vision remain hesitant to ask for money, saying, "I don't have the personality to raise money" or "Asking for money still feels too complicated and makes me fearful." Nathan Ball, a close colleague and friend ...

We Are the Church ... Let's Act Like It

A Study on the Book of Acts  
Linda Tower Pevey
Earthshaking. Status-quo challenging. World transforming. That's what the church was intended to be. "An excellent resource for energizing your local church..." —Mike Slaughter, Author and Pastor Emeritus, Ginghamsburg Church, Dayton Ohio Problems in the church are nothing new; the book of Acts is full of them. In We Are the Church..., Pevey offers encouragement that today's church can truly be a transformative presence in the world, just as the early church was in the book of Acts. While so...

La Biblia a través de los ojos de Juan Wesley

52 estudios bíblicos de discipulado  
Philip Wingeier-Rayo
Este recurso es el fruto del trabajo misional del autor en iglesias de América Latina y EE. UU. Las clases están diseñadas para proveer enseñanza tanto a personas nuevas en la fe, como a quienes tienen más conocimiento o madurez y desean profundizar su estudio de las Escrituras a través de los lentes de la herencia, la teología y las doctrinas básicas de la fe wesleyanas—herramientas fundamentales para nutrir el discipulado cristiano en la tradición wesleyana. Cada estudio bíblico o clase co...