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Showing 151 - 160 of 207 results

Opening Ourselves to Grace

Basic Christian Practices, DVD & CD-ROM  
Mark V. Purushotham
A 4-Session Small-Group Study on the Means of Grace in the Wesleyan Tradition Help your congregation understand the transforming power of grace. Opening Ourselves to Grace explores the basic practices of Christian faith and life from a Wesleyan perspective. Containing both a DVD and a CD-ROM with video content and written resources, this product includes A 4-chapter video presentation on Wesley's understanding of spiritual practice A 6-week Bible study based on the video

Patterned by Grace

How Liturgy Shapes Us  
Daniel T. Benedict Jr., Daniel T. Benedict
To many, the word liturgy brings to mind juggling a hymnal, Bible and a bulletin printed with formal responsive texts as you worship in a cavernous Gothic-styled church. With great faith and affection, Benedict rescues liturgy from its stuffy associations, revealing it as a momentous occasion every Sunday, no matter the worship style. Worship is a remarkable spiritual adventure and the liturgy itself is God's playground—a pilgrimage of individuals and faith communities joining the divine purp...


Learning to Share Your Christian Faith  
Ron Crandall
"We're all witnesses to something or someone," writes Crandall. "As Christians we're Christ's witnesses. It's our identity, not merely something we do or don't do." Witness guides you to learn more about your faith and to speak invitationally with others about beliefs. Crandall has outlined a 25-week small group study that focuses on the important parts of faith. Through Bible study and group interaction, you'll identify your gifts for ministry and learn to witness to others in a natural and ...

Leading in Prayer

Leader's Guide for Let the Whole Church Say Amen!  
Mary O. Benedict
While a mystery, prayer can and should be taught. It is our primary means of communicating with God, yet most Christians join the church and only learn how to pray by listening to others. And if ever called on to pray in public, it becomes a real test of faith for most people. After all, isn't this better left in the hands of the "professionals"?! Benedict's deep passion for teaching Christians how to pray grows from her awareness of prayer as an intimate connection with God. This short cours...

The Retreat Leader's Manual

A Complete Guide to Organizing Meaningful Christian Retreats  
Kevin Witt, Nancy Ferguson
In an age when vacationers on pleasure cruises can expect to be on tightly planned and pressure-packed schedules, a restful renewal seems alien. "I will give you rest," Jesus said (Matt. 11:28). The Bible places a strong emphasis on sabbath time. Experiencing solitude, play, and life at a slower rhythm are precious pathways that allow God to nurture our souls. Retreats have the special focus that offer personal growth as participants are guided to look at life and the world with God in mind....

Transforming Evangelism

The Wesleyan Way of Sharing Faith  
F. Douglas Powe Jr., Henry H. Knight III, Henry H. Knight, ...
Because of the more aggressive and confrontational tactics we hear about, evangelism has developed a bad connotation. Doors are shut hurriedly, phone calls end abruptly, and e-mails left unanswered. After all, isn't this a task better handled by the pastor? Perhaps it's time to reexamine John Wesley's model of evangelism as a full, natural circle—where it's a communal beginning point rather than a solitary end. The central motive of authentic evangelism is: Having received a message that's ma...

The Africana Worship Book (Year A)

Safiyah Fosua, Valerie Bridgeman Davis
Celebrate the joyful spiritual spark found in Africana worship! Worship is the lifeblood of the church. To Africana worshippers, God is very present in the service, and the response is heartfelt, jubilant and authentic. The Africana Worship Book uncovers the "best-of" from the African-American church as well as from the Caribbean, American, and African shores. The collected works found in this resource, which are based on Year A the Revised Common Lectionary, include profound and grace-filled...

Leading a Life with God

The Practice of Spiritual Leadership  
Daniel Wolpert
People who pray together can change the world. A faith community's deepening prayer life depends on an effective spiritual leader. Many are willing to assume this role, but some aspiring guides have trouble making the transition from an individual practice to leading a group. Wolpert demonstrates how personal devotion can evolve into leadership practice. Bestselling spiritual leadership books "provide insights from secular leadership disciplines and then add a paragraph about how these discip...

Deepening your effectiveness

Restructuring the Local Church for Life Transformation  
Claudia Lavy, Dan Glover
Is your goal to build great churches or make great disciples? Is your congregation full of professing-only Christians? Becoming a Christian disciple is supposed to be life-altering, a process of maturation and transformation. The church is to intentionally support that development—both individually and corporately. Sometimes, though, pitfalls and barriers in life and even within the church itself can damage the committed but unequipped follower. Proposing a "deep-sea change" from the typical ...

Lead Small Groups

Leader's Guide for The Christian Small-Group Leader  
Thomas R. Hawkins
Hawkins helps lay speakers identify the roles they play as leaders of small groups and helps them understand the power their leadership can have in transforming Christian lives. The text for this course is The Christian Small-Group Leader.