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Showing 161 - 170 of 207 results

Upper Room Worshipbook

Music and Liturgies for Spiritual Formation, Revised Edition  
Elise S. Eslinger
Where denominational hymnals feature beloved traditional hymns, the Upper Room Worshipbook is a wellspring for newer ecumenical selections. A rich source of versatile liturgies, psalm settings, global songs, and prayer songs, this new edition of Upper Room Worshipbook is ideal for use at retreats, with choirs, and by individuals who want to enrich their personal devotional practices. The fresh collection is an essential resource for congregations experimenting with classical worship forms suc...

Conflict and Communion

Reconciliation and Restorative Justice at Christ's Table  
Thomas Porter
In this broken world, community is rare. Sadly, this is sometimes true even in the church. Conflict confronts us in just about every corner of our lives — from personal to familial, from congregational to denominational, from national to international. "We desire community but so often react out of brokenness," writes one reviewer, "Conflict and Communion points to the Lord's Table as the place where true harmony can be experienced." Porter sets the stage for the book by naming the conflicts...

John Wesley for the 21st Century

John O. Gooch
Health care. Public education. War and peace. Science and religion. The economy. Christian social action. Spiritual growth. 21st century political talking points? Hardly just that. John Wesley, an 18th century British clergyman, addressed these very issues in his own time. His creative answers may open your eyes to new responses for our own frenzied "postmodern" concerns. Gooch opens the fascinating character of Wesley by looking at these strikingly current topics. He shows how Wesley's minis...

Feed My Shepherds

Spiritual Healing and Renewal for Those in Christian Leadership  
Flora Slosson Wuellner
A church member has just lost a parent. Another member is scheduled for surgery. Yet another member is having marital problems. Just another day in the life of a congregation. Church leaders (both clergy and lay) give immeasurable comfort and nourishment to those in need. But it sometimes leaves them drained, stressed, and wounded. Feed My Shepherds addresses the struggles and burnout experienced by those in caregiving ministries and offers practical tips for practicing healthy spirituality. ...

The Group Reunion

Walk to Emmaus  
Stephen D. Bryant
Designed for persons who have participated in The Walk to Emmaus, this helpful booklet provides ideas on joining follow-up accountability groups, organizing groups, and improving the quality of groups as a means of growth in grace.

The Godbearing Life

The Art of Soul Tending for Youth Ministry  
Kenda Creasy Dean, Ron Foster
In The Godbearing Life, the authors offer a lively spiritual primer and practical guide for those who pastor young people. Dean and Foster rechart a course for youth ministry through the classical spiritual disciplines of the church. The book identifies families, congregations, and mentor relationships as the "holy ground" where young people are most likely to say "Yes!" to God.

New Beginnings DVD

The Gifts of Aging  
Richard H. Gentzler Jr.
How are older adults living their later years?New Beginnings looks at aging in our society and provides a glimpse at a variety of creative church ministries that are being enjoyed by older adults. Mission opportunities and teaching service abound in the stories told on film. Lives are changing, transitions are occurring, and new beginnings are taking place for countless numbers of older adults in our congregations.Filmed on location around the U.S., New Beginnings comprises individual short s...

This Holy Mystery

A United Methodist Understanding of Holy Communion  
Gayle Carlton Felton
"This is the body of Christ. This is the blood of Christ." It's Communion Sunday. The service is a little longer, and the sacrament is observed with gravity. You know it's important, but the wonder is lost. What does it all mean, really? According to the results of a survey, you're not alone. United Methodists have a strong sense of the importance of Holy Communion, but they also lack a meaningful understanding of the theology behind it. Reclaim a richer sacramental life in your congregation ...

The United Methodist Way

Branson L. Thurston
A brief overview of United Methodist history, beliefs, organization, missions, and interpretation of the membership vows. Great for new members or for ongoing training. Sold only in sets of 10.