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Showing 171 - 180 of 207 results

Safe Sanctuaries for Children and Youth DVD

Reducing the Risk of Abuse in the Church  
Joy Thornburg Melton
Following up on her two bestselling Safe Sanctuaries manuals (Children and Youth), Melton now brings you a DVD to use in training and in raising awareness in your local congregation. The key segments address the "Why" and "How" of developing and implementing a policy to reduce the risk of abuse in your church, and provide necessary forms to use in the process. Also includes an interview with Joy and real-life stories from diverse congregations.

A Perfect Love

Understanding John Wesley's "A Plain Account of Christian Perfection"  
Steven W. Manskar, Diana L. Hynson, Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki
A Perfect Love is the full text of Wesley's book. What makes this version unique is that the author has edited Wesley's text and updated his language for the contemporary reader. Christian perfection is the doctrine that distinguishes Methodism from other Christian denominations. People who read and study this book will come away with a greater appreciation for this important doctrine. It will change their lives. It may even change their church. A Perfect Love includes in-text definitions an...

Dancing with Words

Storytelling as Legacy, Culture, and Faith  
Ray Buckley
For people of faith, storytelling has special meaning. We are people of the story, and we seek to identify and share our stories in nearly everything we do. Dancing with Words provides help for all church leaders — both clergy and lay — to explore the history and importance of storytelling in faith development and to acquire basic storytelling skills. You will soon discover ways that storytelling enhances ministry. Storytelling at its best is an interaction between storyteller and story liste...

Faith & Money

Understanding Annual Giving in Church  
Jennifer Tyler, Michael Reeves
Grounded in the gospel, Faith & Money identifies the challenges of fund development in local congregations, develops a consistent theological foundation for fund development, and guides congregations in building worthy expectations and attitudes on how to fund ministry.

Designing an Older Adult Ministry

Richard H. Gentzler Jr.
Building on the success of Designing a Ministry by, with, and for Older Adults, author Rick Gentzler gives readers new ways to develop and strengthen ministries with older adults, providing: information about the needs and life issues of older adults tools to help congregations evaluate their current situation models for ministry with older adults suggested resources For more information on ministries with older adults, contact the Center on Aging & Older Adult Ministries or call the toll...

Lay Speakers Tell Stories

A Leader's Guide for Dancing With Words  
Ray Buckley
Lay speakers will learn what makes a good story, discover their own style as a storyteller, study the techniques of effective storytelling, and practice creating stories from their own experience. The Participant's Guide for this course is: Dancing With Words by Ray Buckley.

Come to the Waters

Baptism and Our Ministry of Welcoming Seekers and Making Disciples  
Daniel T. Benedict Jr., Daniel T. Benedict
Come to the Waters is an invitation to pastors and congregations to make the transforming power of God in Christ accessible to all persons. This book faces squarely the emerging mission frontier and proposes a daring alternative in making the gospel accessible to all persons, especially adults who have little or no experience with the life and faith of Christians. Part 1 focuses on welcoming and walking with persons on the journey of conversion. Part 2 provides model services and commentary t...

Praying with John Wesley

David A. deSilva
Praying with John Wesley is based on the model for daily prayer developed by Wesley in 1733. Centered on 6 Christian virtues, it includes daily scripture reading, personal reflection, and prayer. While remaining true to Wesley's intent and emphasis, DeSilva has updated and interpreted Wesley's prayers to be used by 21st-century Christians who are seeking to grow as disciples, taking the reader through one full week of morning and evening devotions. We encourage readers to use this guide th...

Extraordinary Money!

Understanding the Church Capital Campaign  
Michael Reeves
Unexpected expenses happen. Questions, anxiety, and some confusion among the membership and church leaders are inevitable whenever a congregation needs to raise major funds. Reeves guides you to examine the issues of developing and carrying out a strategy for raising money for special needs. Extraordinary Money serves as a tool to help churches determine whether a capital campaign suits their setting. Find answers to these questions and more: Why do capital campaigns work in some settings...

By Water and the Spirit

Making Connections for Identity and Ministry  
Gayle Carlton Felton
By Water and the Spirit, a 6-session study guide for use in small groups, contains the full text of the paper "By Water and the Spirit," which describes the United Methodist understanding of baptism approved by the 1996 General Conference. This booklet serves as a resource for congregational leaders who are helping members make connections between the baptismal covenant and discipleship in daily life.