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Showing 191 - 200 of 207 results

What Is Emmaus?

Walk to Emmaus  
Stephen D. Bryant
This 40-page booklet contains information about what happens during an Emmaus weekend, what participants should expect, and how Emmaus can help congregations. It answers the most frequently asked questions about Emmaus, the Emmaus community, and Emmaus follow-up groups (reunion groups). A great resource for those considering attending an Emmaus weekend retreat.

Spiritual Growth Through Team Experience

Joanne Bultemeier
The author covers qualities of a team member, spiritual benefits of team membership, what happens at team meetings, leadership development, and other aspects of being part of an Emmaus team. Every conference room team member needs this booklet.

The Board of Directors

Walk to Emmaus  
Richard A. Gilmore, Richard Gilmore
Designed especially for members of the board of directors, this 40-page booklet is an insightful resource covering many aspects of the board. A former consultant with many Emmaus communities, Gilmore explains the responsibilities of board members, duties of board committees, possible committee assignments, and much more.

Coming Down from the Mountain

Returning to Your Congregation (Walk to Emmaus)  
Lawrence Martin
The mountaintop Emmaus weekend experience is temporary, while the rest of a pilgrim's life may seem like a valley. The author guides new pilgrims on how to come down from the mountain and work in the valleys of everyday congregational life.

The Pastor as Spiritual Guide

Howard Rice
Rediscover the joy of pastoral ministry! In this age of megachurches and declining interest in being part of any organized religion, pastors have an especially challenging task. Often congregations blame their pastors for longstanding problems that existed in the church even before the pastor came. Pastors suffer from depression and burnout at an astonishing rate, and the pressure to meet the many demands of ministry can be extremely stressful. Their family life suffers, and often they feel b...


Richard A. Gilmore, Richard Gilmore, Janine Gilmore
This 40-page booklet guides individuals through the process of sponsoring fellow pilgrims on the Walk to Emmaus. The authors explore the range of possibilities in the role of the sponsor for the renewal of church leaders, Emmaus communities, and the church.

Sustaining the Spirit

The Emmaus Library Series  
William F. Gusey
This booklet is a personal guide to the ministry of The Walk to Emmaus for members of Emmaus teams. It is designed for the Emmaus board to give to team members during their initial meetings.

A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants

Paperback Edition  
Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck
A best seller for nearly 3 decades! This classic devotional and prayer book is a compilation of scriptures, prayers, readings from well-known spiritual writers, and hymn texts. Each week centers on a different theme and follows this format: invocation, psalm, daily scripture readings, readings for reflection, prayers (for the church, myself, others), reflection time, and a hymn. The back of the book contains models for 12 personal one-day retreats. Featured writers include William Barclay...

Attendance Registration Pads

Available in sets of 20  
Discipleship Resources
These 6" x 9" pads are available only in sets of 20. Each pad has 50 sheets. Use with the Attendance Registration Pad Cover. Place one attendance notepad in each pew. Sorry, this item is ineligible for bulk or special promotional discounts.