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Showing 261 - 270 of 511 results

The Lord's Prayer

Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray  
Mary Lou Redding
Many of us feel intimidated about our prayer life—we look at other Christians, and prayer seems to come naturally to them. But somehow we feel that we just don't "get it." Author Mary Lou Redding reminds us that the disciples were with Jesus continually, and still they had to ask him for help in learning how to pray. That should reassure us, she says. Because the Lord's Prayer is so familiar, we run the risk of praying it by rote without really thinking about the meaning of the words. Redding...


Cultivating Attentiveness in the Season of Advent  
Pamela C. Hawkins
Behold is an old-fashioned word we rarely hear these days. It's not in most modern translations of the Bible. Yet Pamela Hawkins says this word softens the edges of her heart. "I cannot say this word without moving, without extending and lifting a hand, palm open, toward the object of my attention," she remarks. Enter Advent this year with an attitude of curious expectancy and trustful anticipation. Linger for a while and pay close attention to the meaning of the season as you focus on a si...

Leadership Development

Walk to Emmaus / Chrysalis  
Ideal Curtis
Want to learn how to delegate, prioritize, get organized, listen, serve humbly, and become more Christlike? The Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis can revitalize your faith and help you discover how you can lead as Christ's servant in your home, church, school, or workplace.

Praying Through a Child's Illness

28 Days of Prayer  
Wessel Bentley
Can I trust God when my child is seriously ill? Wessel Bentley knows the agony of this question, and he writes from his own experience of having a child with severe heart problems. Bentley understands parents' need for spiritual support when they face the tough task of raising a child with a serious illness. He sensitively guides parents through a 28-day process of prayer, reflection, and practical suggestions for coping with their situation. The four weeks of readings address these themes: ...

Music Directors and Song Leaders

The Emmaus Library Series  
Kate Dickinson, Gene Berrier
This booklet is designed for Music Directors on Emmaus and Chrysalis weekends. It explains the spiritual focus of each day of the 3-day event, gives guidance for selecting music to enhance the 15 talks and various worship services, and offers tips for song leading.

Aging Faithfully

28 Days of Prayer  
Missy Buchanan
Aging is part of God's plan, says author Missy Buchanan—and it's a gift, not punishment. Buchanan reminds us that aging is a matter of perspective—if we fix our eyes on negative images of growing old, we will miss the treasures right before us. But when we focus on God, we will discover an abiding joy that comes only with a long life. Aging Faithfully is divided into four weekly themes: Accepting the Challenges of Aging Finding God's Purpose in Aging Overcoming the Temptations of Aging Dis...

A Spirituality of Caregiving

The Henri Nouwen Spirituality Series  
John S. Mogabgab, Henri J. M. Nouwen
If you provide care for another person, whether you are a family member or a professional caregiver, you know that caregiving is hard, sometimes unappreciated work. But have you ever considered that it isn't easy to be the care receiver? "Caregiving is … about forming a relationship with another whom we might never have chosen to know. It is about doing all we do practically with the intention of growing into a relationship of respect, listening, presence, and truthfulness," Henri Nouwen writ...

Don't Write My Obituary Just Yet

Inspiring Faith Stories for Older Adults  
Missy Buchanan
Even when we're old, God can still use us. In Don't Write My Obituary Just Yet, Missy Buchanan will warm your heart with her stories of older adults living with a sense of purpose and gratitude for the life God has given them. As Buchanan writes in the introduction, "Good stories leave an imprint on our hearts and inspire us to live differently." The 30 stories in this enlarged-print book give us glimpses into the lives of ordinary people ranging from 70 to 100 years old. Some of these folks ...

Lose, Love, Live

The Spiritual Gifts of Loss and Change  
Dan Moseley
Change and loss are constants in life. If you've ever lost a loved one, a friend, a pet, a job, a home, a leg, or a dream, this book is for you. In Lose, Love, Live Dan Moseley tells about his journey of discovery after experiencing multiple losses. He explores 10 dimensions of loss and change and the gifts of grace that can be found in each part of the grief journey. Moseley invites you to take the time you need to grieve, suggesting companions to seek out along the way. This book includes a...

Praying in the Messiness of Life

7 Ways to Renew Your Relationship with God  
Linda Douty
How can you find more time for prayer when life keeps you on the run? Maybe the answer is easier than you think. In Praying in the Messiness of Life, Linda Douty encourages you to incorporate prayer into your daily life as it is, rather than trying to find more time to pray. Her fresh ideas for weaving prayer into each day will help you connect with God even in the messiness of life.You will feel closer to God and better able to cope with your circumstances. Spiritual director and author Jane...