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Showing 271 - 280 of 511 results

A Spirituality of Fundraising

The Henri Nouwen Spirituality Series  
John S. Mogabgab, Henri J. M. Nouwen
Do you serve on your church's stewardship committee or need to raise money for a mission trip or some other faith-based cause? Perhaps the thought of asking people for money intimidates you. It's time to change the way you think about fundraising. "Fundraising is, first and foremost, a ministry," best-selling author and renowned spiritual teacher Henri Nouwen writes. "It's a way of announcing our vision and inviting other people into our mission." Nouwen encourages us to see fundraising as sp...

Moving In Harmony

An Updated Polity for the United Methodist Church in Africa  
Nday Bondo
In order to fully appreciate the good of the UMC polity, the people called United Methodists need to work together, moving in harmony, and using the same church processes. In this book, Rev. Bondo provides the most relevant and up-to-date information from The Book of Discipline 2008 to the African Methodist Church, so that it can join and move in harmony with the polity of The United Methodist Church worldwide.

The Time Is Now

Preparing Candidates for Baptismand Confirmation in the United Methodist Church  
Gift Machinga
With this guide on baptism and confirmation in The United Methodist Church, Rev. Dr. Gift Machinga provides an essential resource for the church in Africa. The book is intended to motivate pastors to consider the ministry of education and to guide pastors and lay members in preparing their people for baptism and confirmation.

African Pastor-Teachers

A Brief History of United Methodist Evangelism in Zimbabwe 1901 - 1921  
John Wesley Zwonunondiita Kurewa
African Christians who believe the half-truth that Christianity in Africa is the product of European and American missionary work need this book. Dr. John Kurewa explores Methodist history in Africa, focusing on the early years of United Methodism in Zimbabwe (1890s-1920s). He reveals it was Africans who led the way in propagating the gospel. Missionaries strategized, but African preachers evangelized. So-called "native helpers" took the gospel to the rural areas and planted the churches, esp...

An African Pilgrimage on Evangelism

A Historical Study of the Various Approaches to Evangelism in Africa (100-2000CE)  
John Wesley Zwonunondiita Kurewa
How easily we forget that it was Africans who brought the gospel to Africa, not foreign missionaries! Evangelism has always been central to African Christianity, ever since Egyptians and Libyans returned home from Jerusalem following the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). In this brief history of the church in Africa, Dr. John Kurewa highlights the major approaches to evangelism that the church employed over the centuries, for better and for worse. Then, in historical context, Kurewa zeroes in on tho...

Labouring Side By Side

The Local Church as the Most Significant Arena for Disciple-Making  
John Wesley Zwonunondiita Kurewa, Eben Kanukayi Nhiwatiwa
The ministry of evangelism is at its best when it occurs in and through the local church, experienced by members at the local church level. Through the local church, Christians learn to discern the voice of the Good Shepherd, and when they know the voice of the Good Shepherd, they easily run away from following the false prophets, false spiritual healers, and other strange voices. African local churches are the best arenas for converts to make their commitment to Jesus Christ and to be nurtur...

Taking Flight

60 Daily Devos  
The Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis, The Upper Room
A wonderful Chrysalis agape gift, this booklet was put together by pilgrims for pilgrims. Each of the 60 undated meditations elaborates on one of the 15 themes you heard during your weekend. As you read, your spirit can be nourished in your Next Steps. You will be encouraged in your daily discipleship. You will find yourself drawing closer to Christ, participating faithfully in your congregation, and living as a Christian on mission to your community and the rest of the world.

Fourth Day Forward

60 Daily Meditations  
The Upper Room
A wonderful Emmaus agape gift, this booklet was put together by pilgrims for pilgrims. Each of the 60 undated meditations elaborates on one of the 15 themes you heard during your weekend. As you read, your spirit will be nourished on your Fourth Day. You will be encouraged in your daily discipleship. You will find yourself drawing closer to Christ, participating faithfully in your congregation, and living as a Christian on mission to your community and the rest of the world.

Pentecost Journey DVD

A Planning Guide for Non-Hispanic/Latino Congregations  
Marigene Chamberlain, Melanie Lee Carey
Pentecost Journey: A Planning Guide for Non-Hispanic/Latino Congregations is intended to help congregations, districts, and conferences fulfill Christ's mandate to make disciples, with a particular focus on helping local churches understand issues related to developing a ministry with Hispanics/Latinos. The guiding principle is the vision of Pentecost in which the uniqueness of the Hispanic/Latino cultures is affirmed as ministry is developed. The DVD contains: Three workshop planning sess...

Shadows, Darkness, and Dawn

A Lenten Journey with Jesus  
Thomas R. Steagald
How will you make more room for God in your life this Lent? Let Thomas Steagald be your travel guide as you journey through Lent with Jesus. Steagald skillfully moves you from being a mere observer to becoming an actual participant in the scripture stories. You'll enter the wilderness with Jesus. Later, you'll meet some of the people who are touched by Jesus: Nicodemus the woman at the well the man who was born blind Mary and Martha after the death of their brother, Lazarus religious and go...