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Showing 461 - 470 of 511 results

Spiritual Directors

Walk to Emmaus  
Kay Gray
In this booklet, Kay Gray offers helpful advice for Emmaus spiritual directors, covering such topics as: the role of spiritual directors qualifications for selection the spiritual director's responsibilities before, during, and after the weekend

Fire in the Soul

A Prayer Book for the Later Years  
Richard L. Morgan
In Fire in the Soul, Richard L. Morgan offers prayers to God for help in meeting the following late-life challenges: discovering God's call at retirement moving to deeper contemplation accepting aging discerning the meaning of stories mentoring facing loss and death redeeming suffering Morgan includes personal prayers (most written after his own retirement) as well as classic prayers from John Calvin, Saint Augustine, John Donne, and Teresa of Avila. A constant spiritual guide for the late...

What Is Emmaus?

Walk to Emmaus  
Stephen D. Bryant
This 40-page booklet contains information about what happens during an Emmaus weekend, what participants should expect, and how Emmaus can help congregations. It answers the most frequently asked questions about Emmaus, the Emmaus community, and Emmaus follow-up groups (reunion groups). A great resource for those considering attending an Emmaus weekend retreat.

Walking Side by Side

Devotions for Pilgrims  
Joanne Bultemeier, Cherie Jones
Walking Side by Side offers 45 devotional readings that relate to the 15 talks on an Emmaus weekend. The 3 biblically based meditations for each talk help pilgrims continue the spiritual journey on the Fourth Day (the rest of their lives). Pilgrims who want to reflect on topics presented during the weekend will find encouragement in this devotional booklet.

Spiritual Growth Through Team Experience

Joanne Bultemeier
The author covers qualities of a team member, spiritual benefits of team membership, what happens at team meetings, leadership development, and other aspects of being part of an Emmaus team. Every conference room team member needs this booklet.

The Board of Directors

Walk to Emmaus  
Richard A. Gilmore, Richard Gilmore
Designed especially for members of the board of directors, this 40-page booklet is an insightful resource covering many aspects of the board. A former consultant with many Emmaus communities, Gilmore explains the responsibilities of board members, duties of board committees, possible committee assignments, and much more.

Coming Down from the Mountain

Returning to Your Congregation (Walk to Emmaus)  
Lawrence Martin
The mountaintop Emmaus weekend experience is temporary, while the rest of a pilgrim's life may seem like a valley. The author guides new pilgrims on how to come down from the mountain and work in the valleys of everyday congregational life.

Teach Me to Pray

Updated Edition  
W. E. Sangster
Published for over 40 years, this modern-day spiritual classic offers all the essentials needed to build a strong and intimate relationship with God through prayer. Now with a new cover and updated language, Sangster's little book helps Christians develop a practice of prayer, form a prayer group, and learn how to live in Christ.

Transforming Ventures

A Spiritual Guide for Volunteers in Mission  
Jane Ives
Trends reveal that more and more people are using vacation time to experience new things or to help others. This book will help you consider how you can use your free time toward discipleship. Whether you go with a construction team, a traveling choir, or as an individual volunteer missionary abroad, you'll end up receiving more from the experience than you give. Short-term mission projects can change an individual's life and the ministry of any church. Transforming Ventures approaches these ...

A Wakeful Faith

Spiritual Practice in the Real World  
J. Marshall Jenkins
In the harried, expect-the-unexpected flow of everyday life, faith seems far away for many people. Your car breaks down. The bills are due. The kids need school supplies. The business report remains unwritten. In A Wakeful Faith, Jenkins asserts that living awake to God in all of our daily affairs is the answer. Only when we become consciously aware of God's gracious activity in the details of the day can we transform and find purpose in our lives today. "Each day brings a flood of demands fo...