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Showing 451 - 460 of 511 results

Remembering Your Story, Revised Edition

Creating Your Own Spiritual Autobiography  
Richard L. Morgan
Remembering Your Story invites readers to connect their faith stories with others and with God's story as revealed in scripture. Morgan guides readers to deeper memories of God's presence in all portions of their lives. Individuals and small groups will find this book offers them blessings as they discover God's working throughout their journey. This revised edition of Morgan's work reflects his workshops, seminars, and conversations concerning spiritual autobiography. It also more intentiona...

Quiet Spaces

Prayer Interludes for Women  
Patricia Wilson
The intimate relationship with God you've yearned for is well within your grasp—despite the chaos of juggling multiple roles, deadlines, and commitments in your stretched-to-the-max life. With Quiet Spaces, you can learn to calm your mind and listen for God's still, small voice in the midst of the tumult around you. Author and former professional speaker Patricia Wilson knows what it's like to struggle with finding a few minutes for herself. Through Quiet Spaces she shows how even a few stray...

The Early History of The Walk to Emmaus

Robert Wood
Bob Wood, founding international director of The Walk to Emmaus, gives a personal firsthand account of the beginnings of the movement, which started in 1978. This booklet details the growth of The Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis in the United States and around the world.

Forgiveness, the Passionate Journey

Nine Steps of Forgiving through Jesus' Beatitudes  
Flora Slosson Wuellner
Why does forgiveness, so central in Jesus' life and teaching, seem much more difficult today? Why are we so often told we should forgive but so seldom shown the steps toward forgiveness? "Forgiveness is a perilous and volatile subject because it is so deeply intertwined with our communal and individual wounds," Flora Wuellner writes in the introduction. She explores how Jesus' Beatitudes promise us release from these wounds. You are invited to begin your journey to forgiveness with these hope...

Climbing the Sycamore Tree

A Study on Choice and Simplicity  
Ann Hagmann
Warning: This book could change the way you live. "Although I've experienced what it's like to get overextended, I've never been poor without options or help," writes Hagmann. "My faith tells me that being a Christian must affect who I am and how I behave with my wealth. Christ has something to say about the way I live my daily life, from how I treat others to how I spend my money." Do you make everyday economic decisions that reflect your Christian faith and values? Or are you "living large"...

Praying in the Wesleyan Spirit

52 Prayers for Today  
Paul Wesley Chilcote
John Wesley (1703 - 1791), one of the greatest preachers of all time, preached more than 40,000 sermons. Wesley's sermons centered on God's unconditional love, freely offered to all through Christ. Wesley preached at coal mines and in fields and sparked a great spiritual renewal. Wesley's published sermons instructed the people in Christian discipleship and explained the core understandings of the Methodist movement. Praying in the Wesleyan Spirit offers contemporary readers an approach to...

The Workbook on Keeping Company with the Saints

Maxie Dunnam
From the rich well of Christian spiritual writing, best-selling author Maxie Dunnam guides readers through the lives and teachings of Willam Law, Julian of Norwich, Brother Lawrence, and Teresa of Avila. Readers will discover how Dunnam's study of these faith pioneers influenced his life at pivotal points and how their teachings can transform Christians today. While many books explore the lives and words of these classic spiritual writers, none combines the features of this helpful, easy-to-r...

Shaped by the Word

The Power of Scripture in Spiritual Formation  
M. Robert Mulholland
This book explores the role that scripture plays in spiritual formation. Mulholland examines obstacles often encountered in spiritual reading and introduces a new approach to reading that will enliven the scriptures. He also compares informational reading (reading to be informed) with formational reading (reading to be spiritually formed). Readers are released to God's initiative, allowing the scripture to form a spiritual life inside themselves.

Growing Compassionate Kids

Helping Kids See Beyond Their Backyard  
Jan Johnson
Open a new world of possibilities for your kids, where making a difference for others becomes a way of life! Growing Compassionate Kids illustrates practical everyday ways for parents to help children develop empathy and seek justice in the world. As one reviewer says, "This book is a wonderful antidote to both 'compassion fatigue' and the frustrations of Christian parenting in a selfish society." Jan Johnson, a well-known author who deals with Christian spirituality, helps moms and dads and ...

Parents and Grandparents as Spiritual Guides

Nurturing Children of the Promise  
Betty Shannon Cloyd
Today, we're increasingly disconnected from one another. Our mobile society, with its incessant busyness, creates a tragic break in relationships and diminishes the sense of community — even within families. Some parents communicate with their children by texting or calling them — inside their home! With all of the activities children are involved in — school, sports, music, camp, and others — spiritual nurture often gets neglected. "Spirituality makes persons look beyond themselves to the we...