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Showing 471 - 480 of 511 results

The Pastor as Spiritual Guide

Howard Rice
Rediscover the joy of pastoral ministry! In this age of megachurches and declining interest in being part of any organized religion, pastors have an especially challenging task. Often congregations blame their pastors for longstanding problems that existed in the church even before the pastor came. Pastors suffer from depression and burnout at an astonishing rate, and the pressure to meet the many demands of ministry can be extremely stressful. Their family life suffers, and often they feel b...

Servants, Misfits, and Martyrs

Saints and Their Stories  
James C. Howell
"These vivid and touching accounts are not only inspirational and enlightening, but they also broaden our perspective of what characterizes a hero." —Jimmy Carter Former U.S. president, winner of 2002 Nobel Peace Prize Do you wonder how you can make a difference? Worry whether you have the courage to dare the impossible? Take heart! Everyone has wrestled with thoughts of inadequacy and fallibility at some point in their lives-even spiritual "giants." Servants, Misfits, and Martyrs gives y...

Yours Are the Hands of Christ

The Practice of Faith  
James C. Howell
Take spirituality into the real world. Jesus didn't "become flesh" so we could feel different. He came to this world so we will be different. Often our spirituality seems invisible and mute to a hurting world. Many of us simply internalize faith out of fear, feelings of inadequacy, or choice. A faithful response to discipleship's call, however, is both inward and outward. Through Howell's study, you'll find ways to apply faith to your daily life and make evident your commitment to Christ. By ...

La vida de devoción en la tradición wesleyana

Un libro de ejercicios  
Steve Harper, Mary Lou Santillan-Baert
Este libro describe los aspectos más importantes en la vida de devoción de Juan Wesley y cómo estos principios pueden ser aplicados a nuestras vidas. El libro está diseñado para tener un estudio semanal por siete semanas y sigue una estructura alrededor de lo que Wesley llama «medios de gracia». Por lo tanto, incluye estudios sobre la oración, la Escritura, la Santa Cena, el ayuno y otros temas. Los grupos y cada persona individual crecerán espiritualmente a medida que aprenden acerca de las...

Heart Whispers Leader's Guide

Benedictine Wisdom for Today  
Elizabeth J. Canham
In this 10-session Leader's Guide, Canham shows how the study of Benedictine Christian spirituality is relevant to today's world. Containing notes for the preparation of group study, Heart Whispers: Leader's Guide also includes exercises for group reflection and the prayerful reading of scripture. Based on the book, Heart Whispers.

Heart Whispers

Benedictine Wisdom for Today  
Elizabeth J. Canham
Heart Whispers offers accessible insights from Benedictine spirituality to help us explore the need for faithful living in today's often stress-filled world. By listening with "the ear of the heart," the sixth-century monk Benedict gained a fresh perspective on Christian spirituality as he lived by three simple vows: stability, obedience, and conversion. A Leader's Guide is also available for those who wish to study Heart Whispers in groups.

An Adventure in Healing and Wholeness (Korean)

The Healing Ministry of Christ in the Church Today  
James K. Wagner
This book brings James K. Wagner's successful workbook on healing and wholeness to Korean Christians and churches. The original workbook was field-tested and designed for church groups; this new translation has been reviewed and approved by representatives throughout the Korean church in the United States.The workbook adapts Wagner's popular workshop into a seven-session format that explores a holistic approach to health and the relationship between prayer and healing. It offers individual an...

Gathered in the Word

Praying the Scripture in Small Groups  
Norvene Vest
Many of us thirst for a meaningful spiritual life. We may even begin a spiritual journey, yet before we are very far along, we discover we need help. Is the living, compassionate God revealed in scripture in a way that offers guidance and comfort to us in our contemporary lives? Norvene Vest says a resounding "Yes!" Using the classic spiritual practice of lectio divina or "divine reading" in the context of small groups, she shows how this devotional and prayerful reading of the scriptures l...

Prayer, Stress, and Our Inner Wounds

Flora Slosson Wuellner
This sensitive look at inner wounds reminds us that healing was central to Jesus' ministry. Prayers and spiritual exercises will help you find your own means for receiving God's love that will heal physical pain, painful memories, the pain of uncertainty, and the pain of stress.

The Workbook of Living Prayer

Maxie Dunnam
One of the best-selling group resources ever published by The Upper Room, this dynamic and thought-provoking workbook will enrich your prayer life. "My prayer is that all who use this revised edition will not only learn something new about prayer, but more than anything else, will be inspired to pray," writes Dunnam. "Prayer is one of the ways we link ourselves with God, we put ourselves in the channel of God's moving power, and we participate with God in ministry to all persons…I am convince...