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Showing 51 - 60 of 512 results

The Awakened Life for High School Students

Finding Stillness in an Anxious World, Student Guide  
Sarah E. Bollinger, Angela R. Olsen
One out of five teens lives with depression, anxiety, or another mental illness. Some come to believe that worry, isolation, and fear are all life has to offer. Yet God created us for lives full of joy, well-being, and connection. The Awakened Life for High School Students is an eight-week small-group guide that empowers teens to awaken to a more abundant life through practices that build resiliency, teach psychosocial skills, and foster emotional and spiritual well-being. It is designed to b...

Campus Ministry

Empowering Congregations to Support Students at Colleges and Universities  
Colleen Hallagan Preuninger
This resource, written with the intention to support a new Lay Servant Ministries course, will give readers a general understanding of the developmental needs of the 18- to 26-year-old demographic in the United States; general categories of institutions of higher learning; basic structures for campus ministries and offices of spiritual and religious life on college or university campuses; a framework to discern how United Methodist congregations may be called to serve students in their local ...

A Family Like Mine

Biblical Stories of Love, Loss, and Longing  
Rosalind C. Hughes
Families are complicated, and they always have been. A Family Like Mine explores the surprising variety of family stories and relationships reflected in the Bible, emphasizing God's grace, reconciliation, and renewal. The book tells the family stories of our spiritual ancestors in ways that resonate with our own family stories. Author Rosalind Hughes weaves accounts of familiar and less well-known biblical characters with stories of family formation, estrangement, adoption, and more. She imag...

A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Scriptural Imagination

Kenneth H. Carter Jr., Kenneth H. Carter
What is scriptural imagination? The word imagination does not mean the Bible is fantasy or untrue. A scriptural imagination allows us to look at the world through the stories and images of the Bible. As we view our world with scriptural imagination, we enter a continuous process of becoming more Christlike. In A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Scriptural Imagination, Kenneth Carter focuses on four scripture passages to give readers an easy entry into the practice of scriptural imagination. Car...

Five Loaves, Two Fish, Twelve Volunteers

Growing a Relational Food Ministry  
Elizabeth Mae Magill
Sixty-two percent of food pantries and meal programs in the United States are faith-based. Most of these ministries are transactional; people needing food interact with church volunteers to earn access to direct service. Elizabeth Magill advocates relational ministry as a better model for food ministry. People donating food or money eat with the people who need food and get to know them as they serve alongside them. Those needing food share all aspects of the ministry, including planning, set...

Extraordinary Ministry in Ordinary Time

An Invitation to Renewal for Pastors  
James A. Harnish
What energizes someone in pastoral ministry for the long haul? Holy days like Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost are the exception. Ordinary Time, the longest season of the Christian year, is where pastors spend most of their ministry. James Harnish invites pastors and other ministers to see Ordinary Time as a metaphor for the ordinary days of ministry. "Whether we thrive or merely survive depends on what we do with the ordinary days," he writes. Harnish encourages ministers to develop spiritua...

The Upper Room Book of Christmas Carols

The Upper Room
Can you imagine Advent and Christmas without the beloved, familiar carols? Featuring an array of favorite seasonal hymns that reflect a diversity of origin, language, and theology, The Upper Room Book of Christmas Carols is perfect for your church and choir. Discounts are available for purchasing multiple copies. The book features a carol service and 29 Christmas carols, including "Angels We Have Heard on High" "Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella" "Deck the Halls" "Go, Tell It on the Mountai...

We Are Beloved

A Lenten Journey with Protestant Prayer Beads  
Kristen E. Vincent
Christians often have the head knowledge that we are beloved, but deep in our hearts do we truly believe it? Author Kristen Vincent takes us on a journey with Jesus that helps us discover how deeply beloved we are. This 6-week Lenten journey follows stories of Jesus' experience of God's love. The incarnate Son of God was made fully human, which means that Jesus had to fully mature in strength and wisdom to learn that he was beloved. Just as Jesus learned of his belovedness, we, too, can culti...

Soul Reset

Breakdown, Breakthrough, and the Journey to Wholeness  
Junius B. Dotson
Everything was going fine … until it wasn't. For Reverend Junius B. Dotson it took an actual breakdown during a funeral for him to realize he needed a reset. As he recalls his own journey through grief, depression, burnout, and emotional breakdown, Dotson is passionate about calling for a Soul Reset for pastors, church leaders, and all disciples of Jesus Christ. This is a 6-week churchwide study for everyone who moves at breakneck speed through their daily lives, often relying only on their o...

The Wondrous Mystery

An Upper Room Advent Reader  
Benjamin Howard
During Advent we think about a wondrous mystery: that God chose to become human and lived among us. The Savior of the world was born a vulnerable child. The king who will rule all of creation was laid in a humble manger. The Wondrous Mystery invites readers to reflect on several paradoxes that make up the Advent season: light and darkness, peace and strife, solitude and community, simplicity and complexity. This daily Advent reader incorporates meditations from Weavings: A Journal of the Chri...